Leaflet Control that renders a react component onto the map.
The control is provided as a UMD module.
The essence of it is 10 simple lines of code, you should just copy, paste and customize it. Or you could grab it from npm:
npm i leaflet-control-react
Basic usage:
var label = 'Hello Leaflet!';
function getElement () {
return React.DOM.div({ className: 'leaflet-control-with-react' }, label);
var reactControl = L.control.react({
position: 'bottomleft',
getElement: getElement
/* Change some props, and re-render: */
label = 'Hello React!';
The getElement
function gets the leaflet map
as its argument.
The react components are rendered into a div
with leaflet-control-react
, and the default leaflet-control
- A function with a single L.Map
argument. The return value is rendered as:
ReactDOM.render(this.options.getElement(this._map), this._container);
when the control is added to the map, and anytime the .render()
function is called.
- Inherited from L.Control
- Re-renders the react component. Could be called to change top-level props for example.
You should be able to use the react event system, since it's just a thin wrapper around your react component.