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makifyilmaz edited this page Apr 6, 2022 · 105 revisions


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  • Admin: The administrator of the platform who is responsible for evaluating reports of users, verifying doctor profiles and maintaining the system.

  • Activity history: Information of creating posts, comments, giving upvotes, downvotes shown in the profile of a registered member.

  • Article: Wiki contents in which registered users give information about medical-related subjects. Articles may be about ilnneses, drugs, therapeutic approaches etc.

  • Article proposal: Proposal of an article by members before this article is approved by a doctor. Articles written by a member is not published before they are approved by a doctor.

  • Article approval: Approval of an article written by a member. These articles should be approved by a doctor to be published.

  • Article-owner: Registered user who creates the article in the Articles.

  • Articles: A platform in the project where doctors can write articles about any medical subject.

  • Ban: Prohibiting users from accessing their accounts. Banned accounts can not be used by their owners and can not be seen by other users.

  • Category: One of the major disciplines in medicine, e.g: Neurology, Pulmonology, Cardiology, etc.

  • Chatbot A software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation with users.

  • Comment: Responses given by registered users to a post.

  • Discussion thread: A forum content in which registered users can ask questions, make suggestions or reviews about medical-related subjects and other registered users can create comments below that. It consists of one post and zero or more comments.

  • Doctor: A registered user who has registered as a doctor and has verified that he/she is a doctor.

  • Downvote: A feature in the forum where registered users can use when they think a post or a comment does not contribute to the discussion, or they don't like or don't endorse it.

  • Follow: To be interested about a tag/category and want to track new discussion threads and articles about this tag/category.

  • Forum: A platform in the project where registered users can ask questions, make suggstions or discussions about medical issues by discussion threads.

  • Guest User: A user who hasn't registered to the application and does not have an account.

  • Home Page: The first page users see when they open the website/app. It is a personalized page for registered users including recent discussion threads and articles about their followed tags.

  • Medical History: A member's past illnesses, allergies, chronic diseases, undergone operations, and used drugs. Registered users can add these information to their profile pages.

  • Member: A registered user who has registered as a member.

  • Notification Preferences: A registered user's choices of whether or not getting notifications about his/her posts, or his/her comments, or his/her articles.

  • Personal Information: A registered user's full-name, location, medical history, weight, height and age informations.

  • Post: Starting content of a discussion thread in which a registered user can ask question about his/her desease, make suggestion or review of his/her medical experiences. It has a title and a body.

  • Post-owner: Registered user who creates the post in the forum.

  • Private Personal Information: Personal information that is not visible to any user in the system other than the owner of the information.

  • Protected Personal Information: Personal information that is only visible to the doctors in the system.

  • Public Personal Information: Personal information that is visible to all the users in the system.

  • Registered User: A user who has registered to the application and has an account. It is an abstract user type. Registered Users are divided into two sub-categories: Doctor and Member.

  • Tag: A label that is about any medical subject or experience such as diseases, drugs, parts of bodies, etc.

  • Unfollow: Leave following a tag/category.

  • Upvote: A feature in the forum where registered users can use when they think a post or a comment contributes to the discussion, or they like or endorse it.

  • User: Someone who uses the application. Users are divided into two sub-categories: Registered User and Guest User.

  • Username: Name that members use in the website and app.

  • Valid username: A username which includes alphanumerical characters and which is distinct from other usernames.

1. Functional Requirements

1.1 User Requirements

  • 1.1.1 User Profile

    • Sign-up

      • Registered users shall select their user types (Doctor-Member) while registering.
      • Doctors shall prove that he/she is a doctor by providing a document while registering.
      • Members shall prove that they are a real person with authentication while registering.
      • Doctors shall provide their real name.
      • Members shall provide a public and valid username.
      • Registered users shall have a secure password which is longer than 8 characters and contains at least one upper-case, one lower-case, one special character and one number while registering.
      • Registered users shall register their unique phone number to the system while registering.
      • Registered users shall confirm their phone number via text message authentication while registering.
      • Registered users shall register their unique e-mail to the system while registering.
      • Registered users shall confirm their e-mail addresses via e-mail authentication while registering.
      • Registered users shall register their date of birth to the system while registering.
      • Registered users shall be able to register their medical history to the system while registering.
      • Doctors should be able to provide a profile picture while registering.
      • Members should be able to select an avatar while registering.
      • Registered users shall be able to make their personal information public/private/protected while registering.
      • Doctors shall provide categories that they are specialized while registering.
    • Sign-in & Sign-out

      • Members shall be able to sign-in to the system using their nickname, e-mail or phone number and their password.
      • Doctors shall be able to sign-in to the system using e-mail or phone number and their password.
      • Registered users shall be able to sign-in if they forgot their password with forgot password mechanism.
      • Registered users shall be able to sign-out.
    • Profile Pages

      • Registered users shall have profile pages.
      • Registered users shall have their user type (Member or Doctor) visible in their profile pages.
      • Members shall have their usernames visible in their profile pages.
      • Doctors shall have their real names visible in their profile pages.
      • Registered users shall have their posts visible in their profiles.
      • Registered users shall be able to see their activity history in their profile pages.
      • Doctors shall have icons in their profiles showing that their accounts are verified.
      • Doctors shall have the name of the hospitals that they work most recently in their profile pages.
    • Settings

      • Registered users shall be able to access settings page from their profile page.
      • Doctors shall be able to add/delete/change profile pictures.
      • Members shall be able to add/delete/change avatars.
      • Registered users shall be able to modify their personal information.
      • Members shall be able to modify their usernames to other valid usernames.
      • Registered users shall be able to make their personal information public/private/protected.
      • Registered users be able to delete their accounts.
      • Registered users be able to modify their passwords confirming their old passwords.
    • Following Tags/Categories

      • Registered users shall be able to follow tags and categories.
      • Registered users shall be able to view their followed tags and categories.
      • Registered users shall be able to unfollow previously followed tags and categories.
  • 1.1.2 Platforms

    • Forum

      • Registered users shall be able to create discussion threads by creating a post in the forum.
      • Registered users shall add a title and body while creating a post.
      • Guest users shall not be able to create any posts.
      • Guest users shall not be able to comment on any posts in the forum.
      • Users shall be able to see discussion threads.
      • Registered users shall be able to create a comment in a discussion thread.
      • Registered users shall be able to add images to their posts and comments.
      • Registered users shall be able to add geo-location information to their posts and comments.
      • Registered users shall be able to add tags to their posts.
      • Doctors shall be able to add or remove tags from an existing post.
      • Users shall be able to filter discussion threads by several tags given by post-owners while creating these dicussion threds.
      • Registered users shall be able to refer to an external resource in their posts or comments by adding text annotations.
      • Registered users shall be able to upvote or downvote a post or a comment.
      • Registered users shall be able to report a post or comment to an admin if they think that it contains inappropriate or misleading content.
      • Registered users should be able to edit their posts.
      • Registered users should be able to delete their posts.
      • Registered users should be able to edit their comments.
      • Registered users should be able to delete their comments.
    • Chat Bot (**)

      • Registered users shall be able to ask a question to the chatbot at any time.
      • Registered users shall be able to see previous conversations with chatbot.
      • Registered users shall be able to choose a quick question from frequently asked questions provided by Chatbot.
      • Registered users shall be able to answer given question with given answers by choosing one answer.
      • Registered users shall be able to use chatbot to learn which tags their discomfort is under.
    • Articles

      • Doctors shall be able to create articles in Articles.
      • Members shall be able to propose articles in Articles.
      • Articles created by members shall need to be reviewed and approved by a doctor to be published.
      • Unregistered users shall not be able to create articles in Articles.
      • Article-owners shall add a title to their articles.
      • Article-owners shall be able to edit articles they created.
      • Article-owners shall be able to delete articles they created.
      • Users shall be able to read articles.
      • Article-owners shall add tags that describes which medical major the article they are creating is about while creating articles.
  • 1.1.3 Notifications

    • Registered users shall get notification after signed up.
    • Registered users shall get notification when their posts have commented.
    • Registered users shall get notification when other users comment a post that they commented.
    • Registered users shall get notification when other users upvoted their comments.
    • Registered users shall get notification when other users upvoted their articles.
    • Registered users shall be able to modify their notification preferences.

1.2 System Requirements

  • 1.2.1 Search Requirements

    • Searching Mechanism

      • System shall provide a searching mechanism that all users can use to search.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism that searches discussion threads and articles by categories.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism that searches discussion threads and articles by tags.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism by the names of the doctors.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism by the usernames.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism that allows searches among discussion threads in the Forum with the titles, authors, dates of the posts.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism that allows searches among articles in the Articles with the titles, authors, dates of the articles.
      • System shall provide a recent search history for the users.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism that allows searches among discussion threads and articles with semantic tags and keywords.
      • System shall provide a searching mechanism with a given geolocation and radius.
    • Sorting

      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort discussion threads in the Forum by the number of comments.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort discussion threads in the Forum by the number of upvotes.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort discussion threads in the Forum by the date of creation.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort discussion threads in the Forum by the date of the last comment.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort discussion threads in the Forum alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
      • System shall sort comments of doctors in a discussion thread by the number of upvotes and show them at the top.
      • System shall sort comments of members in a discussion thread by the date of creation of the comments and show them below the comments of doctors.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort articles in the Articles by the number of upvotes.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort articles in the Articles by the date of creation.
      • System shall provide a sorting mechanism to sort articles in the Articles alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
  • 1.2.3 Admin Requirements

    • Admins shall be able to log in with their usernames and passwords from the admin login page.
    • Admins shall be able to see posts and comments reported by registered users.
    • Admins shall be able to remove posts and comments.
    • Admins shall be able to see reported registered users.
    • Admins shall be able to see profiles of all users.
    • Admins shall be able to remove registered users from the system according to their decision.
    • Admins shall be able to ban registered users permanently or for 1-7 days according to their decision.
    • Admins shall be able to see verification requests of doctors
    • Admins shall be able to verify doctors.
    • Admins should be able to see their past activities of removing, banning registered users or verifying doctors etc.
    • Admins should get notifications for new reports and verification requests of doctors.
    • Admins should be able to send e-mails to registered users.
    • Admins should be able to add new admins.
  • 1.2.4 Platforms

    • Forum

      • System shall highlight doctors' comments by placing them on the top in a discussion thread.
      • System shall highlight post-owner's comments in a discussion thread by showing an "Post owner" text on top of that comment..
      • System should indicate posts edited by a registered user by showing an "edited" message on top of that comment.
      • System should show previous versions of a post if it is edited by a registered user.
      • System should indicate coments edited by a registered user by showing an "edited" message on top of that comment.
      • System should keep and -show if needed- previous versions of a comment if it is edited by a registered user.
      • System should indicate comments deleted by a registered user by showing a "deleted comment" message in place of the deleted comment.
      • System should delete all discussion-thread with its post and comments if a registered user deletes his/her post.
      • System shall show number of upvotes given to a post or a comment in that post or comment.
      • System should show number of downvotes given to a post or a comment in that post or comment.
      • System shall provide a personalized home page to registered users including recent posts about their followed tags and categories.
    • Chat Bot (**)

      • Chatbot shall ask questions to the users for narrowing the possible scenarios if chatbot is not able to produce 5 or less solutions to the users’ questions.
      • Chatbot shall produce a question related answer or an error message indicating that chatbot is not able to answer the question in less than 20 seconds.
      • Chatbot shall give suggestions to direct users to necessary parts of the application when Chatbot provides a solution to the users.
      • Chatbot shall be able to run for multiple users at the same time.
      • Chatbot shall use labels to find posts and articles related to questions.
      • Chatbot shall offer some suggestions after the query, including related tags to the discomfort and links to related articles and post under the given tags.
    • Articles

      • System shall provide an article proposal mechanism for members.
      • System shall provide an article approval mechanism for articles written by members.
  • 1.2.5 Home Page

    • System shall provide a personalized home page to registered users including recent discussion threads and articles about their followed tags and categories.

2. Non-Functional Requirements

2.1 Availability & Accessibility

  • 2.1.1 The system shall have a web application/interface, available through web browsers such as Chrome & and it shall have a native Android application, available through Android systems.
  • 2.1.2 Both interfaces shall provide the same features.
  • 2.1.3 The system language shall be English.
  • 2.1.4 The system shall support UTF-8 character encoding.

2.2 Security

  • 2.2.1 Registered users' password shall be a minimum of 8 characters long and the password shall have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one special character, and one numeric character.
  • 2.2.2 Registeerd users shall be notified via e-mail if their password entry is unsuccessful three consecutive times.
  • 2.2.3 Registered users shall be notified via e-mail if their password is changed.
  • 2.2.4 System shall store hashed passwords.
  • 2.2.5 System shall use HTTPS protocol.
  • 2.2.6 System shall have a human verification tool (reCAPTCHA) to prevent bots.

2.3 Privacy

  • 2.3.1 The System shall ensure that it will store personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) and KVKK.
  • 2.3.2 The system shall always provide clear and accessible information regarding what type of data you collect (both personal data and health data) to users before they install the app.
  • 2.3.3 The system shall inform the user in terms of policy and make sure that the user accepts this policy while registering to the system.
  • 2.3.4 The system shall allow the user to make some information private and leave some public.

2.4 Performance

  • 2.4.1 The system shall be capable of serving 1000 users per second/at the same time.
  • 2.4.2 The system shall back-up user-expert messages once a month.
  • 2.4.3 The system shall respond to each user in less than 3 seconds.
  • 2.4.4 The system shall block an excessive amount of access requests made in a short amount of time.
  • 2.4.5 The system should work 7/24 with no more than 2% downtime.

2.5 Annotations and Standards

  • 2.5.1 Annotations shall be compliant with the W3C Web Annotation Data Model and follow W3C standards.
  • 2.5.2 Implementation of web design and application shall obey the guidelines of W3C Web Design and Application Standards.

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