This library is not perfect. It attempts to capture most common types of imports and exports. Some invalid import or export expressions might be seen as valid and some valid ones might be seen invalid. This library is not meant as a tool for strict validation of imports and rather as a naive way to get all imports in a particular file.
import {
} from '[email protected]'
let fileContent = Deno.readTextFileSync('./foo.js')
fileContent = rewriteImports(fileContent, (identifier, type) => {
return identifier.replace(...)
const fileContent = Deno.readTextFileSync('./foo.js')
for (const i of walkImports(fileContent)) {
// e.g.
// {
// input: 'import "foo"\n',
// identifier: 'foo',
// regexpArray: [],
// type: 'import'
// }
import 'bar'
import foo from 'bar'
import * as foo from 'bar'
import { foo } from 'bar'
import { type foo } from 'bar'
import { foo as bar } from 'bar'
import { type foo as bar } from 'bar'
import { default as foo } from 'bar'
import { type default as foo } from 'bar'
import type { foo } from 'bar'
import type { foo as bar } from 'bar'
import type { default as foo } from 'bar'
import foo, * as bar from 'bar'
import foo, { bar } from 'bar'
import { bar, foo } from 'bar'
import { bar as foobar, foo } from 'bar'
export * from 'bar'
export * as foo from 'bar'
export { foo } from 'bar'
export { foo as bar } from 'bar'
export { type foo } from 'bar'
export { type foo as bar } from 'bar'
export { default as foo } from 'bar'
export { type default as foo } from 'bar'
export type { foo } from 'bar'
export type { foo as bar } from 'bar'
export type { default as foo } from 'bar'
export { bar as foobar, foo } from 'bar'