Command line application to add Podcasts to a folder with metadata with media so they can be streamed by Roon
url, destination [switches]
url is the full url with any arguments of the podcast episode,
destination is the folder to place the metadata and content of the podcast.
series is the product name of the podcast, or actually the series of the product if that makes sense. If there are spaces in the name then enclose the name in quotes ("")
is the artist or artists for the podcast, this is often missing from podcast metadata
the number of episodes to collect. RSS feeds are in most recent order, using 1 for episodes it will collect the last one. 1 is the default.
If the destination folder is in the tree that Roon scans for music files or changes in the catalogue then it will be added to the Library. Whilst there is no individual UI for podcasts they do contain the tag genre podcast and can be selected from the Genres menu. This doesn't give subscriptions to podcasts or RSS feeds wrapping roonPodcast in a batch file or shell script and then adding that to crontab or Task Scheduler will give you an effective subscription.
There is a hard dependency on Mutagen which is used to fixup the Artist and Track properties. It's not used as a library as Mutagen is a GPL2... onwards licence. A Pure Python alternative might be fixed up at a later date. There is no Build/Install step at the moment (TBD), use > Python 3.8, it was written and tested using Python 3.11.