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Releases: bps-statistics/form-gear

1.1.1 | August 27, 2022

27 Aug 07:01
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FormGear | Ver. 1.1.1

August 27, 2022

Optimized Performance

  • Only run validation when it is needed (stop when the component doesn't have any validations or when creating new nested)
  • Remove unnecessary copied variable
  • Change declaration from {} to new Object()
  • Change for ... in with forEach on running validation
  • Use get_compValid filtering
  • Prevent comparing answer and before answer when both values are zero or undefined


  • Counter attribute in response.json.
     			"render": 1,
     			"validate": 5
  • PAPI entry module. Special thanks to Muhammad Qadri - @mqad21 for the idea on pull request #8.
  • Add loader when uploading csv file
  • Add size range for CsvInput
     			"min": 1,
     			"max": 5
  • Add decimal input component
  • Trigger save on change section from sidebar and nested button click


  • Set view version attribute only available in CAPI
  • Optimize usability of referenceIndexLookup
  • Remove hardcode in CSV and photo input
  • Prevent non-numerical input on numeric input
  • Set SignatureInput background to white with a rounded border


  • Fix absolute bootstrap css (on Client) overwriting Checkbox and SingleCheck Input
  • Prevent running variable component on the first load
  • Fix on run sourceOption when there is a response file.
  • Fix bug on finding blank answers when revalidating
  • Fix bug overflow hidden on sm and md width
  • Validate Email and URL input on change

1.1.0 | August 11, 2022

11 Aug 07:11
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FormGear | Ver. 1.1.0

August 11, 2022

Optimized Performance

  • Reuse Auxiliary type from ResponseStore in RemarkStore, PrincipalStore, and MediaStore
  • Reduce item in reference.json
  • Change the logic for creating components on nested


  • Add media to store all media response, eg.: PhotoInput and SignatureInput

  • Add UnitInput with form type = 37

     "label": "Height :",
     "dataKey": "height",
     "type": 37,
     "typeOption" : 1,
     "options": [
     	"label": "centimeter",
     	"value": "cm"
     	"label": "meter",
     	"value": "meter"
  • Handle default json


     	"details": [],
     	"sidebar": []


     	"description": "",
     	"dataKey": "",
     	"predata": []


     	"description": "",
     	"dataKey": "",
     	"answers": []


     	"dataKey": "",
     	"notes": []


     	"dataKey": "",
     	"media": []
  • Add name atribut for every dataKey

  • Add console.log FormGear version


  • Fix cannot delete nestedNumber
  • Fix cannot read property of null canvas on SignatureInput


  • Change the way to combine validation in nested component

1.0.3 | August 1, 2022

02 Aug 04:46
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FormGear | Ver. 1.0.3

August 1, 2022

Optimized Performance

  • Redeploy set enable from on value change to after saving answer
  • Reengineer code for setSummary
  • Reengineer code to filter components which not run any expression on disabled components


  • Add signature input
  • Add api validation for type string or number input by add urlValidation property to the component
     "urlValidation": "http://localhost:8000/validate/email/",
  • Add input range for DateInput and DateTimeLocalInput
     			"min": "2022-01-25",
     			"max": "today"
  • Add loader on page change
  • Add cursor pointer on summary, radio, checkbox, and nested button
  • Add email validation
  • Add error message toast on evaluate expression failure


  • Update view
  • Update Gps value response
     		"value": {
     			"latitude": -6.165237,
     			"longitude": 106.8376027
     		"label": ",106.8376027&output=embed"
     		"label": "map",
     		"value": ",106.8376027&output=embed"
     		"label": "latitude",
     		"value": -6.165237
     		"label": "longitude",
     		"value": 106.8376027
  • Update URL encode for online lookup


  • Fix enablingSidebar including section and nested
  • Fix duplicate sidebar when creating nested
  • Fix sidebar sorting
  • Handle get the undefined sidebar
  • Fix checkbox options to type string

1.0.2 | June 27, 2022

27 Jun 09:26
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FormGear | Ver. 1.0.2

June 24, 2022


  • Add Timezone and GMT attribute in principal, resonse, and remark output.
  • Filter condition on saveAnswer that will do nothing if no changes. Special thanks to Budi Setiawan Akkas - @cloudwalkerid for the idea on pull request #5.
  • Set clickable error on Summary to open ListError or even validate the whole questionnaire before submission.
  • Add referenceEnableFalse to handle reactive enable conditions for each component on trigger save, submit, or show ListError.
  • Add load spinner while running setReferenceEnableFalse


  • Update to lighter colors on the checked options in RadioInput and CheckboxInput on formMode preview and close.
  • Update disable color for SelectInput and MultipleSelectInput as the same as other.
  • Update border color on MaskingInput as the same as other.
  • Update header width divided by 6 parts, only applied on mobile.
  • Update PhotoInput value to base64.
  • Update set response output with deeper filtration on enable condition on the parent of each component.


  • Update ListTextInput and ListSelectInput delete modal position from the bottom to the center of the screen.
  • Update handling nested questions from numeric 0 value input.
  • Update CheckboxInput default options.
  • Fix nested sourceOption on MultipleSelectInput.
  • Fix sorting sidebar on insert nester child.

1.0.1 | June 8, 2022

08 Jun 04:44
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FormGear | Ver. 1.0.1

June 8, 2022


  • Add templateDataKey on response, principal, remark to identify what template is belonging to.
     "templateDataKey": "family-characteristics-2022",
  • Add metadata such as gearVersion, templateVersion, validationVersion response, principal, remark to identify what version is used to create these files.
     "gearVersion": "1.0.1",
     "templateVersion": "1.0.0",
     "validationVersion": "1.0.0"
  • Add metadata such as createdBy, createdAt, updatedBy, updatedAt on response, principal, remark to identify time and user identity that creates these files.
     "createdBy": "adty",
     "updatedBy": "adty",
     "createdAt": "2022-06-08 07:00:19",
     "updatedAt": "2022-06-08 10:07:04",
  • Add ListBlank Modal to provide the list of blank component during data collection.
  • Add ListRemark Modal to provide the list of component with remark during data collection.


  • Clickable summary to open ListBlank and ListRemark
  • Update nested button label to 'view' on formMode > 1

1.0.0 | June 6, 2022

06 Jun 11:22
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FormGear | Ver. 1.0.0

June 6, 2022

Optimized Performance

  • Optimize on create nested component.


  • Add summary to response.
     "summary": {
         "answer": 2,
         "blank": 15,
         "error": 0,
         "remark": 1
  • Add click on label on SingleCheckInput and ToggleInput.
  • Add list blank.


  • Rename lastUpdated to updatedAt on response output.
  • Rename editedBy to updatedBy on response output.
  • Disable ListTextInput and ListSelectInput button on formMode > 1.


  • Fix missed code in if statement on FormGear.tsx and in set answer GlobalFunction.
  • Fix disable remark on formMode == 3 and without any comments in it on each component.
  • Fix bug not load updated remarks when reuse reference.
  • Fix overflow bug on list error when user cannot see the lookinto button.
  • Fix bug createComponent on insertNestedNumber

0.1.3 | May 31, 2022

31 May 13:02
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FormGear | Ver. 0.1.3

May 31, 2022


  • Update formMode:
    • 1 => OPEN

      This mode is used for data collection activities in general, and it allows users to modify all components of questions and remarks according to the template's constraints.

    • 2 => REVIEW

      This mode is used to review the questionnaire post-data collection, and it only allows users to add remarks on each component based on the examination findings.

    • 3 => CLOSE

      This mode is used just to review the questionnaire upon post-data collection and examination findings.

  • Update label view css on SelectInput inline with required and hint instruction.
  • Set clickable label on nested input button to enter the nested section.
  • Remove reformat answer onValueChange on MaskingInput.
  • Update error list css on MaskingInput as other.
  • Reactive changes in related components when dependent selectInput change.


  • Trigger save (including response, principal, remark, and reference) on post remark.
  • Add cols and rows property to specify in a grid layout on components.
     "label":"Healthy neighborhood rating",


  • Fix function eval expression on enableSection
  • Fix copied attribute enableCondition while creating sidebar component

0.1.2 | May 24, 2022

24 May 15:08
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FormGear | Ver. 0.1.2

May 24, 2022

Optimized Performance

  • Multi-thread on initial loop.

    FormGear integrates a collection of JSON templates into a single source of truth called reference. As seen in the picture below:

    Recursive looping is required for the reference construction process to ensure that the looping procedure is completed down to the smallest nested root. This procedure takes a long time, thus we use a multi-thread looping process between sections, which is bridged with numerous process timeouts to prevent each process from executing at the same time.

    Although Javascript is known for running its processes sequentially and in single threads, multi-threaded process tuning can be stated to be successful in practice. As a result, the initial rendering process is reduced by up to 25 % faster.

  • Optimize FormGear with reference utilization.

    The multi-thread tuning process is proven to reduce the looping process in the beginning but is not fast enough for the data collection needs.
    FormGear, as is well known, exploits reference as the single source of truth, thus all it needs to do in the process is communicate with it to render, enable, validate, or save the answer for each component.

    Previously, reference was considered to be quite large, thus all that was required for the output of data collection results was the principal, response, and remark. However, for optimal process optimization, the initial loop process, which used multi threads at the beginning, can now be avoided by simply reusing the stored reference. This method, however, is confined to the same version of template and response, and if the template version is updated, the reference generation process must be recreated from the beginning.

  • Offline Lookup is used to retrieve data from mobile device.

    The process of rendering options for select inputs can now be optimized with the lookup process for data on CAPI (proven on Android).

    It can be set on client mode config with lookupMode set to 1 for online, or 2 for offline

     "lookupMode" : 2

    Here is the function to fetch Data from local device

     let offlineSearch = function (id, version, dataJson, setter) 
    • id => lookup id to fetch
    • version => lookup data version to fetch, it depends on local endpoint
    • dataJson => params to filter the data
    • setter => params to be used to pass the data retrieved from the local endpoint


  • FormLoader with spinner and backdrop blur has been added for better experience while waiting for the component to complete the action of render, enable, validate, or save the answer for each component.

  • LookInto on List Error has been added for better experience to jump into component which still has the invalid answer.

  • InitialMode has been added to be used to indicate whether the data collection process is in initial mode (=> 1) or assign mode (=> 2). On CAPI (proven on Android), this mode can be used to trigger initial data collection just simply use neighbor preset to get the initial data required.

     initialMode : 1
  • In conjunction with initialMode, the presetMaster and disableInitial attributes have been added to the type options for templates.

    When initialMode is set to 1, FormGear will search from the given neighbor preset pass from CAPI where the component with presetMaster attribute will show the initial data required for initial data collection.

     "presetMaster" : true

    On the other hand, disableInitial will be used as a disabled input flag when initialMode is set to 1, which actually overrides the disableInput flag if the same component contains these two types of options.

     "disableInitial" : false


  • Debounce on CurrencyInput to wait user input finish
  • Clickable label on RadioInput and CheckboxInput
  • Submit principals on mobile
  • When the data on a component changes, the following rangeInput validation and with related components are triggered for checking.
  • On submit, it will be triggered to check the required components before being allowed to continue to submit the data.


  • Fix on enable section bug.
  • When modifying or deleting a nested component, the associated components are also checked including their child components for adjustments as well.
  • Fix bug on the process of rendering options from other component, it is now being set to auto change and re-render the component when the sourceOption component answer are triggered change.
  • In validate or enable, to validate component with the array return type, it is better to check whether it is undefined or not with the following sample code:
     "test":"let values = getValue('hobbies'); if(values[0] !== undefined) values[0].value == 1",

0.1.1 | May 10, 2022

10 May 00:48
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FormGear | Ver. 0.1.1

May 10, 2022


  • Add a condition to check private or public lookup for Select Input.
  • Update MaskingInput placeholder fit to the format in the template.
  • Add HTML input attributes on the JSON template to enrich validation with input component validation, as well as optimize rendering performance.
  • Add PrincipalStore to save notable responses. Principal markers can be added to certain components selected in the JSON template in numeric types, and starting with 1 denotes the most important principal.
  • Add ListError Modal to provide the list of error component during data collection.
  • Add NowInput to get the current time post trigger button click: Type #35.
  • Add required label on input component to specifies that an input field must be filled out before submit.
  • Add LocaleStore to handle dialog messages. Each message which is by default in English can be adjusted manually one by one with the local language. The language can be added equivalently to the components, i.e. at the first level of the JSON template.
     	         "componentAdded": "Komponen berhasil ditambahkan",
     	         "componentDeleted": "Komponen berhasil dihapus",
     	         "componentEdited": "Komponen berhasil diubah",
     	         "componentEmpty": "Komponen tidak boleh kosong",
     	         "componentNotAllowed": "Hanya ada 1 komponen yang boleh diubah",
     	         "componentRendered": "Komponen yang berhubungan sedang dibentuk",
     	         "componentSelected": "Komponen ini telah dipilih",
     	         "fetchFailed": "Gagal mengunduh data",
     	         "fileInvalidFormat": "Harap masukkan fail dengan format yang sesuai",
     	         "fileUploaded": "File berhasil diunggah",
     	         "locationAcquired": "Lokasi berhasil didapatkan",
     	         "remarkAdded": "Remark berhasil ditambahkan",
     	         "remarkEmpty": "Remark tidak boleh kosong",
     	         "submitEmpty": "Pastikan isian terisi semua",
     	         "submitInvalid": "Pastikan isian terisi dengan benar",
     	         "submitWarning": "Masih terdapat warning pada isian",
     	         "summaryAnswer": "Terjawab",
     	         "summaryBlank": "Kosong",
     	         "summaryError": "Salah",
     	         "summaryRemark": "Catatan",
     	         "validationMax": "Nilai maksimal adalah",
     	         "validationMaxLength": "Maksimal panjang karakter adalah",
     	         "validationMin": "Nilai minimal adalah",
     	         "validationMinLength": "Minimal panjang karakter adalah",
     	         "validationRequired": "Wajib diisi",
     	         "verificationInvalid": "Masukkan verifikasi dengan benar",
     	         "verificationSubmitted": "Data berhasil dikirimkan"


  • In JSON validations, it is a must to use getRowIndex() to get the level of the component.
        "test":"let row0 = getRowIndex(0); let row1 = getRowIndex(1); let row2 = getRowIndex(2); let val406 = getValue('l2_r406#'+row2+'#'+row1+'#'+row0); let val407 = getValue('l2_r407#'+row2+'#'+row1+'#'+row0); console.log('406', val406); console.log('407',val407);if(val406 !== undefined && val407 !== undefined && val406 !== '' && val407 !== ''){ (Number(val406[0].value) > 4 && Number(val407[0].value) == 2022)}",
        "message":"If R406 > 4, then R407 must in 2022",


  • Update modal position from the bottom to the center of the screen.
  • Update version marker display to show the version of the library.

0.1.0 | April 10, 2022

10 Apr 16:02
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FormGear | Ver. 0.1.0

April 10, 2022

Initial minor version release


  • Render data collection form separated by section.
  • Provide general input fields for data collection.
  • Provide nested form inquiries for recurring fields.
  • Efficiently validate entry on FALSE condition.
  • Enable form control through expression.
  • Provide variable input from expression.
  • Provide remarks to record additional details.
  • Provide preset entry prior to data collection.
  • Provide CSV input then consume it as a JSON value.
  • Able to access image files or utilize native camera function to provide Photo Input.
  • Able to utilize native GPS function to provide Location Input.
  • Work across multiple data collection platforms, including CAPI and CAWI.