This repository contains code for centralized management of the activities of deepstream applications and the configurations of cameras involved.
There are 4 main components of this system which are the coordinator, the agents, database and deepstream instance.
graph TD
A(user) ---|interact | B(Coordinator)
B ---|kafka async| C[Agent 1]
B ---id1[(sqlite database)]
B ---|kafka async| D[Agent 2]
C -->|Docker API| E[Deepstream instance 1.1]
C -->|Docker API| F[Deepstream instance 1.2]
D -->|Docker API| G[Deepstream instance 2.1]
D -->|Docker API| H[Deepstream instance 2.2]
Deepstream instance
is a deepstream container. There are many deepstream instances running on multiple computers in a cluster. Depending on the requirements of users, the number and the configurations of those containers may change. We need a mechanism to centralized manage their activities which include start, stop, change configuration, restart and report the status of those containers. -
is a python program running on each computer of the cluster.Agent
s usepython docker sdk
to manage allDeepstream instance
instances. It can read, write instances' configuraion, up/down the containers, and monitor the containers' status. -
is a centralized management program, which receives requirements from users, interacts withAgent
asynchronously usingkafka
, and stores information of all cameras and deepstream instances of the system in a sqlite database.
The work flow of the system is illustrated in the following diagram
actor User as U
box "one machine"
participant App
database DB
participant Coordinator as C
end box
box "one machine"
participant Agent as A
participant "Deepstream-app" as D
end box
hnote over U, App
end note
/ hnote over C, A
Async through Kafka
end note
hnote over A, D
Docker Python API
end note
/ hnote over App, C
2 ways of communication
- share file: use a same database
- message: App can send to Coordinator
end note
loop UI update every 1 second
U -> App: update UI for me
activate App #ABCDEE
App -> DB
DB --> App
App --> U: here
deactivate App
group CRUD Agent
U -> App: Update button pressed
activate App #ABCDEE
App -[#AA00FF]> C: Reresh\nTopic 301
activate C #ABCDEE
App --> U: Topic 301 emitted
deactivate App
C -[#AA00FF]> A: Give me your information\nGive agent a name\nTopic 201\n<color red>broadcast</color>
activate A #ABCDEE
A -[#AA00FF]> C: Here's the information about me\nTopic 200
deactivate A
C -> DB
deactivate C
group CRUD Camera and Instances
group CRUD
note over U
User can do bunch
end note
U -> App: CRUD request
activate App #ABCDEE
App -> DB
DB --> App
App --> U: recorded, not "APPLY" yet
deactivate App
group Apply
note over U
Now apply changes
end note
U -> App: Apply changes
App -[#AA00FF]> C: Topic 300 (Apply changes)
activate C #ABCDEE
C -> C: Generate new configuration
deactivate C
C -[#AA00FF]> A: new configuration\nTopic 210
activate A #ABCDEE
A -> A: self check the configuration
note right
check if there are
any container should be
delete or any container
should be create
end note
A -> D: Delete/Create/Restart Container
deactivate A
loop every 5 seconds
A -> D: container status?
D --> A: container status
deactivate D
A -[#AA00FF]> C: Update status\nTopic 220
C -> DB
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd schemas
This system uses 6 topics to communicate among components
= "AgentInfo": send information from host machine to coordinatorTOPIC201
= "AgentCommand": send acknowledge message from the coordinator to connect to an agent and to ask the information of the agent.TOPIC210
= "AgentConfig": generate new configuration for every deepstream instances based on information from database and update all containers based on the new configuration.TOPIC220
= "AgentResponse": Send status of all containers to coordinator.TOPIC300
= "UpdateConfig": Confirm the update configuration action from userTOPIC301
= "Refresh": Users refresh connect to check which agents are connected
DsAppConfig <|-- DsInstanceConfig
SourcesConfig <|-- DsInstanceConfig
MOT_pgie_config <|-- DsInstanceConfig
FACE_pgie_config <|-- DsInstanceConfig
MOT_sgie_config <|-- DsInstanceConfig
FACE_sgie_config <|-- DsInstanceConfig
FACE_align_config <|-- DsInstanceConfig
SingleSourceConfig <|-- SourcesConfig
class SingleSourceConfig {
+str camera_id
+AnyUrl address
+EncodeType encode_type
+str type
class SourcesConfig {
+List[SingleSourceConfig] sources
PGIEConfig <|-- MOT_pgie_config
PGIEConfig <|-- FACE_pgie_config
class PGIEConfig {
+PositiveInt batch_size
+Path labelfile_path
+PositiveInt num_detected_classes
+Optional[str] output_blob_names
+ClusterMode cluster_mode
+NonNegativeInt maintain_aspect_ratio
+PositiveInt process_mode
+NonNegativeInt symmetric_padding
+NetworkType network_type
+PositiveFloat nms_iou_threshold
+PositiveFloat pre_cluster_threshold
class MOT_pgie_config {
+NonNegativeInt gie_unique_id
+PositiveInt num_detected_classes
+str output_blob_names
+str parse_bbox_func_name
+ModelColorFormat model_color_format
+PositiveFloat net_scale_factor
class FACE_pgie_config {
+NonNegativeInt gie_unique_id
+PositiveInt num_detected_classes
+ClusterMode cluster_mode
+str parse_bbox_func_name
+str engine_create_func_name
+Optional[constr(regex=r"^[\d\.;]*$")] offsets
+ModelColorFormat model_color_format
+Optional[constr(regex=r"^[\d;]*$")] infer_dims
+PositiveFloat nms_iou_threshold
+PositiveFloat pre_cluster_threshold
+PositiveFloat post_cluster_threshold
SGIEConfig <|-- MOT_sgie_config
SGIEConfig <|-- FACE_sgie_config
class SGIEConfig {
+int process_mode
+int output_tensor_meta
+ProcessMode process_mode
+Optional[NetworkType] network_type
+PositiveInt batch_size
class MOT_sgie_config {
+NonNegativeInt gie_unique_id
+NonNegativeInt input_object_min_width
+NonNegativeInt input_object_min_height
+NonNegativeInt operate_on_gie_id
+NonNegativeInt operate_on_class_ids
+str output_blob_names
+BoolEnum output_tensor_meta
+BoolEnum force_implicit_batch_dim
+ModelColorFormat model_color_format
+BoolEnum classifier_async_mode
+NonNegativeFloat classifier_threshold
+BoolEnum maintain_aspect_ratio
+NonNegativeInt secondary_reinfer_interval
+PositiveFloat net_scale_factor
+constr(regex=r"^[\d;]*$") infer_dims
+NetworkType network_type
class FACE_sgie_config {
+NonNegativeInt gie_unique_id
+NonNegativeInt output_tensor_meta
+ClusterMode cluster_mode
class FACE_align_config {
+NonNegativeInt enable
+NonNegativeInt target_unique_ids
+constr(regex=r"^[\d;]*$") network_input_shape
+TensorDataType tensor_data_type
+NonNegativeInt tensor_buf_pool_size
+NonNegativeInt input_object_min_width
+NonNegativeInt input_object_max_width
+NonNegativeInt input_object_min_height
+NonNegativeInt input_object_max_height
+str tensor_name
class DsAppConfig {
+DsAppType app_type
+str face_raw_meta_topic
+str mot_raw_meta_topic
+str visual_topic
+str kafka_connection_str
+PositiveInt streammux_output_width
+PositiveInt streammux_output_height
+NonNegativeInt streammux_nvbuf_memory_type
+PositiveFloat face_confidence_threshold
+PositiveFloat mot_confidence_threshold
class DsInstanceConfig {
+DsAppConfig appconfig
+SourcesConfig sourceconfig
+MOT_pgie_config mot_pgie
+FACE_pgie_config face_pgie
+MOT_sgie_config mot_sgie
+FACE_sgie_config face_sgie
+FACE_align_config face_align
DsInstanceConfig <|-- DsInstance
class DsInstance {
+str name
+DsInstanceConfig config
DsInstance <|-- NodeInfo
class NodeInfo {
+str hostname
+UUID4 node_id
+List[DsInstance] node_config_list
class InstanceStatus {
+str instance_name
+str state
class TOPIC200 {
+UUID4 node_id
+str hostname
+IPvAnyAddress ip_address
+Optional[NonNegativeInt] capacity
+Optional[List[str]] gpulist
+Optional[str] description
NodeInfo <|-- TOPIC210
class TOPIC210 {
+List[NodeInfo] agent_info_list
InstanceStatus <|-- TOPIC220
class TOPIC220 {
+UUID4 node_id
+List[InstanceStatus] status
class TOPIC300 {
+str desc
class TOPIC301 {
+str desc
The agents will monitor the activities of container with IMAGE_NAME
defined in file settings.toml
. Make sure the image is already been build in each computer.
cd agent
cd coordinator
cd coordinator
These APIs are used to perform CRUD operations on 3 tables in sqlite database which are Camera, Agent, and DsInstance. Besides, there are 2 APIs to perform sending message to TOPIC300
and TOPIC301
Note: Every time a new agent is added to the database, before using the UpdateConfig
API, the Refresh
API must be used first to refresh connect to the new agent. This note is purely for testing the APIs. For production, the refresh action should work without a hit of a button.
Camera ||--o{ Agent : camera
Camera {
Integer id
Integer agent_id
Integer dsInstance_id
String camera_id
String ip_address
String username
String password
String encodeType
String type
Integer width
Integer height
DsInstance ||--|{ Agent : dsInstance
Camera ||--|{ DsInstance : camera
Agent {
Integer id
String agent_name
String ip_address
String hostname
String node_id
Boolean connected
DsInstance {
Integer id
Integer agent_id
String instance_name
String face_raw_meta_topic
String mot_raw_meta_topic
String visual_topic
String kafka_connection_str
Integer streammux_output_width
Integer streammux_output_height
Integer streammux_batch_size
Integer streammux_buffer_pool
Integer streammux_nvbuf_memory_type
Float face_confidence_threshold
Float mot_confidence_threshold
String status
docker compose -p x1agent -f docker-compose_agent.yml up -d
docker compose -p x1coordinator -f docker-compose_coordinator.yml up -d