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Audit Logs

A simple yet flexible implementation of Audit Logging in Laravel.

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Keep an audit record of all modifications made to your eloquent models.

Whether you're tracking security events, other notable events, resource changes, or just everyday actions of users, all of these changes can be described as Audit Logs. Use cases of this package are:

  • Regulatory auditing purposes
    • If you hook up the log stream to point to CloudWatch or similar, the logs can be considered immutable and trustworthy, helping serve the purpose of regulatory auditing.
  • Viewing a resource's history
    • This package provides a morph ownership to a resource that was affected, such as a resource undergoing updates. This allows you to trace when a resource was modified in a particular way and see the user or resource that performed that action.
  • Viewing a user's actions
    • This package provides a morph ownership to the user or resource that performed the action, by default this is the authorised user. This allows you to therefore trace a user's steps as they navigate and interact with your application.
  • Analytical reporting
    • This package can be extended to produce reports on user or resource activity.


composer require bradietilley/laravel-audit-logs


Activity Logs → Resource creation, updates, deletion, restoration

Add the following interface and trait to the model you wish to automatically attach audit logs to:


namespace App\Models;

use BradieTilley\AuditLogs\Contracts\WithAuditLogs;
use BradieTilley\AuditLogs\Concerns\HasAuditLogs;

class User extends Model implements WithAuditLogs
    use HasAuditLogs;

The HasAuditLogs trait will register an observer (BradieTilley\AuditLogs\Observers\HasAuditLogsObserver, configurable via that listens to the following eloquent events: created, updated, deleted, forceDeleted, restored.

These events will record a pretty ordinary audit log for the respective event.

For the updated event, the attributes that are changed will be logged with some exceptions:

Ignoring Irrelevant Fields

The audit_logs.changes.ignored_fields configuration allows you to configure which fields should be considered irrelevant. If there are no relevant fields, no 'Updated' log will be written.

Default Global: id, updated_at, deleted_at
Default User model specific: remember_token

Redacting Sensitive Fields

The audit_logs.changes.sensitive_fields configuration allows you to configure which fields should be redacted when logged. This allows you to still record when changes are made but not see the sensitive data.

Default Global: password, token/*_token, secret/*_secret
Default User model specific: drivers_licence (a demonstrative example)

Truncating Long Strings

The audit_logs.changes.truncate_string_lengths configuration allows you to configure how long strings can be before they are truncated (Str::limit() with '...'), and can be configured to specific models and fields, or generic fields across any model, or simply a global default.

Default: 100 characters

Customising the Change Logger

Want to completely customise what gets logged? The BradieTilley\AuditLogs\Loggers\ChangeLogger class can be swapped out for any class that extends ChangeLogger:


namespace App\Loggers;

use BradieTilley\AuditLogs\Loggers\ChangeLogger;

class MyChangeLogger extends ChangeLogger
    protected function getChanges(): array
        $changes = parent::getChanges();

        if ($this->model instanceof Product) {

        return $changes;

Now configure your app to utilise this ModelLogger in AppServiceProvider or a similar spot:

$this->app->bind(\BradieTilley\AuditLogs\Logger\ChangeLogger::class, \App\Loggers\MyChangeLogger::class);

Audit Logs → Security and authentication events

By default, various authentication events are already logged;

  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Attempting -> "Login Attempt"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Authenticated -> not logged (see Login)
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\CurrentDeviceLogout -> "Logout (current device) successful"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Failed -> "Login failed"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Lockout -> "Request locked out"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login -> "Login successful"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\OtherDeviceLogout -> "Logout (other device) successful"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\PasswordReset -> "Password reset successful"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\PasswordResetLinkSent -> "Password reset link sent"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered -> "User registered"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Validated -> "Login validation successful"
  • Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified -> "Email verification successful"

Each of these events will log the event details, including the auth guard name and user, where applicable.

Ad-hoc Logs → Logging misc events wherever you want

Dependency Injection

The AuditLogger singleton can be injected where Dependency Injection is supported.

use App\Models\Product;
use BradieTilley\AuditLogs\AuditLogger;


public Product $product

public function handle(AuditLogger $logger): void
    $logger->record('Something happened');
    $logger->record('Something happened against a resource', $this->product);


An alternative and more direct approach is to statically call the AuditLogger.

use App\Models\Product;
use BradieTilley\AuditLogs\AuditLogger;


public Product $product

public function handle(): void
    AuditLogger::write('Something happened');
    AuditLogger::write('Something happened against a resource', $this->product);

Unique Logs → Logging once per request

Sometimes you may wish to avoid multiple of the same log from being written in the same request lifecycle. To do this, simply use the ->recordOne() or ::writeOnce() methods on the audit logger. Note that the model and action serve as a unique key for the "once" tracking.

    AuditLogger::writeOnce('Something happened'); // First log written
    AuditLogger::writeOnce('Something happened'); // No log was written

    AuditLogger::writeOnce('Something happened', $this->product); // Second log written
    AuditLogger::writeOnce('Something happened', $this->product); // No log was written

Pausing Logs → Temporarily disable logs

Sometimes you might want to temporarily disable the logs. This can be achieved via the withoutLogging static helper method.

function doSomething() {
    AuditLog::write('Something happened');

AuditLogger::withoutLogging(fn () => doSomething());

// `doSomething` was run twice, however no audit logs were written!

Custom Logs → Customising the entire audit logger logic

The BradieTilley\AuditLogs\AuditLogger singleton can be swapped out to a custom class of your choosing, if you wish to customise the data that gets logged.

Metadata → Details

In the BradieTilley\AuditLogs\AuditLogger singleton, metadata is appended to logs. Only some of this metadata makes its way into the database, but all of the metadata makes its way into the log stream.

Some metadata retrieval is cached in the singleton to drastically optimise when logging multiple times within a single request. The caching of this data is typically things that don't change throughout the request lifecycle, such as the full URL, middleware, IP address, and more.

Note: The authorised user is also cached for the duration of the request, so during a log out event expect to see the authenticated user in the logs post-logout. However subsequent requests will not have the user associated.



Log changes to your models in your Laravel application







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