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App Integration Generate Views

Brad Potts edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

How to Customize Views

Views can be copied to your app's directory and customized to your app's needs.

Generate Views

Generate subengine views with the code below.

rails generate mtdevise:views

MTDevise Views Generated


  • devise
    -- confirmations
    --- new.html.erb
    -- mailer
    --- confirmation_instructions.html.erb
    --- reset_password_instructions.html.erb
    --- unlock_instructions.html.erb
    -- passwords
    --- edit.html.erb
    --- new.html.erb
    -- registrations
    --- edit.html.erb
    --- new.html.erb
    -- sessions
    --- new.html.erb
    -- shared
    --- _links.html.erb
    -- unlocks
    --- new.html.erb

  • layouts
    -- mtdevise
    --- accounts.html.erb
    --- accountsindex.html.erb
    --- application.html.erb
    --- dashboard.html.erb
    --- signin.html.erb
    --- signup.html.erb
    --- useredit.html.erb
    --- welcome.html.erb

  • shared
    -- _flash.html.erb
    -- _header.html.erb

  • subengine
    -- account
    --- dashboard
    ---- index.html.erb
    --- sessions
    ---- new.html.erb
    --- users
    ---- _form.html.erb
    ---- new.html.erb
    -- accounts
    --- index.html.erb
    --- new.html.erb
    -- dashboards
    --- index.html.erb
    -- welcome
    --- index.html.erb

Note: Some devise views provided with subengine are customized. Generating a standard set of devise views will cause the app to break.