PHP Role Based Access Control Library
CacheCache library (loaded via composer) if you want caching
// Create new rbac manager object
$manager = new \Rbac\Manager($pdo);
// Enable/disable debug mode
// Set cache object using CacheCache library
$cache = $cacheManager->get('cacheMemcached');
// Create new operations collection, passing the rbac manager and user identity
$ops = new \Rbac\Collection\Ops($manager, $user->id);
// Create new tasks collection, passing the rbac manager and user identity
$tasks = new \Rbac\Collection\Tasks($manager, $user->id);
// Create new roles collection, passing the rbac manager and user identity
$roles = new \Rbac\Collection\Roles($manager, $user->id);
// Allow access when srbac is in debug mode
if ($manager->debug() === true) { return true; }
// Check if access to operation is allowed module.controller.action (operation name)
if (!$manager->isAllowed('', $ops)) {
throw new \Exception('Not authorized to operation');
// Check if access to task is allowed module@controller
if (!$manager->isAllowed('default@contact', $tasks)) {
throw new \Exception('Not authorized to task');
// Check if access to role is allowed
if (!$manager->isAllowed('members', $roles)) {
throw new \Exception('Not authorized to role');
// Add user to roles
$roles = new \Rbac\Collection\Roles($manager);
$roles->addUser($user->id, array('member', 'moderator'));
The naming convention is open ended. No helper methods are currently provided to generate operation name/ids. The convention in the usage example is $module.$controller.$action, but you can use whatever format you want. The SRBAC extension for Yii uses a "$module@$controller$action" format for example.