Effortlessly store, manage, and retrieve your code snippets your web browser. https://keep-code.vercel.app/
git clone https://github.com/brandonporcel/keep-code.git
cd keep-code
npm install
npm run dev
- Implement validation to handle user creation webhook to avoid errors during snippet creation after signup
- handle auth cookies
- Manage authentication cookies
- Add animations using Framer Motion
- Create a custom 404 page
- Implement skeleton loading or suspense for items
- Enhance accessibility: ensure CRUD operations can be performed using keyboard shortcuts and verify speech assistance
- Show a confirmation alert when closing the page during a save operation
- Develop an offline version with toast notifications
- Improve responsive user experience
- Add vscode styles (by themes and languages)
If you have some time, brandonporcel.hashnode.dev/keep-code
Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Contact me via mail or linkedin