This is a project to allow me to explore and practice various full-stack web development technical skills. Originally started during Boot Camp as a full-stack application to improve my skills working on front-end development with React and Redux, while consuming an external API.
While previously a full-stack application, Brew is now 'server-less' and uses Supabase for Authentication, Database, and Row Level Security policies for authorisation. Front-end hosting is on Render's free tier, which auto deploys from the main branch here on GitHub.
The project started on Bootstrap before removing this in favour of a MaterialUI focused application. MaterialUI enabled faster development of features and a learning experience of using a React component library.
When it is working (and when it's not), this project can be found here: Brew!
git clone
cd brew/
npm install # to install dependencies
npm run dev # to start the dev server
You can find the server running on http://localhost:3000.
- BrewCalc for brewing calculations and app design inspiration.
- PunkAPI for providing BrewDog's recipes, originally published as a PDF, as an API and on the related PunkAPI GitHub repo.
- MaterialUI for the fully-loaded component library.
- Flask Icon from IconScout