Ctrl + Q >> Search snippet >> Confirm with enter
Snippets enable you to quickly import common component patterns.
Create new snippets!
Delete snippets!
Set the snippet insertion scope!
Generally improved due to the new context sensitive templates!
Improved loot_table auto-completions
Improved trade_table auto-completions
Entity filter auto-completions
Updated v1.11 components
JSON can now be pasted with key in front
added new setting "auto fill inputs"
added information pop-up window
TabWindow content may now be a function
bridge. now keeps your settings save upon updating
default project setting is now a drop-down instead of a text field
inputs can now automatically be focused
toggle open children now works as expected
massive auto-completion functionality improvements
significant auto-completions speed improvements
changed how the context menu displays content previews
.lang files now have a dedicated icon
tweaks to the settings window
fixed copy, cut & paste in inputs
fixed sidebar separator
fixed snippets not updating after being deleted
fixed snippets & file explorer not working if there was a problem with initializing the settings data
fixed below_content of "card" UI type
fixed selection marker not displaying on values
fixed tabs not showing as unsaved
fixed auto-completion menu showing up too large
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