Updated blocks.json sounds auto-completions
Updated terrain_textures.json auto-completions
We have started rewriting all of bridge.'s windows in order to deliver a better experience to you.
Support for custom commands inside of items, entities, animations and animation controllers
Added 'Launch In Fullscreen' setting
Removed need to reload all plugins upon installation/activation/deactivation
Project target version setting to choose the version of Minecraft you are developing for
Added @bridge/windows
plugin module
: Added createError function
Added 1.16.100
format version
Significant improvements to editing JSON
New plugin API to allow plugins to register new file types
Implemented #236
Enabled limited plugin API inside of custom commands
Updated command auto-completions
Tweaked custom component loading
bridge. now skips unknown files in refresh cache logic
Default format version is now set to the Project Target Version (previously was 1.13.0)
Reduced keybinding cooldown
"Open To The Side" now works with vanilla files
Added query.is_delayed_attacking & query.is_alive to MoLang auto-completions
Fixed deleting of event > component groups
with error not working
Fixed deletion of data node not creating undo history entry
Fixed JSON files getting populated with wrong lightning cache data
Fixed error upon saving custom component
Fixed color picker text color
Fixed /summon
Fixed attachable auto-completions
Fixed tree feature auto-completions
Fixed client entity auto-completions
Fixed first function cache entry being invalid
Fixed #248
You can’t perform that action at this time.