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Unify tests into common app. Add timing tests for BigPipe.
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brikis98 committed Jul 9, 2015
1 parent aba08d0 commit 28125a7
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Showing 12 changed files with 398 additions and 82 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -562,11 +562,10 @@ versions.

1. Publish artifacts automatically as part of the build process instead of doing it manually.
2. Finish the "Composable pagelets" implementation and documentation (it is currently unfinished and untested).
3. Add automated tests that check the actual timing of the BigPipe streaming.
4. Add support for pagelet priorities.
5. Add support for only rendering content that's visible.
6. Add support for monitoring hooks for each pagelet.
7. Turn the sample apps into Activator templates
3. Add support for pagelet priorities.
4. Add support for only rendering content that's visible.
5. Add support for monitoring hooks for each pagelet.
6. Turn the sample apps into Activator templates

# License

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ lazy val sampleAppCommon = (project in file("sample-app-common"))
lazy val sampleAppScala = (project in file("sample-app-scala"))
.dependsOn(bigPipe, sampleAppCommon)
.dependsOn(bigPipe, sampleAppCommon % "test->test;compile->compile")

// The Java sample app
lazy val sampleAppJava = (project in file("sample-app-java"))
.dependsOn(bigPipe, sampleAppCommon)
.dependsOn(bigPipe, sampleAppCommon % "test->test;compile->compile")

// The root project
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ lazy val sampleAppCommonSettings = Seq(
name := "sample-app-common",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"" %% "play" % play.core.PlayVersion.current,
ws % Test,
specs2 % Test
) ++ commonSettings ++ streamingTemplateSettings
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,45 +1,37 @@
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import play.api.test.WithBrowser
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

class IntegrationSpec extends Specification {
"Application" should {
import play.api.test.WithBrowser

"render the page without BigPipe" in new WithBrowser {
* End-to-end tests of BigPipe functionality. The Scala and Java sample apps can extend this trait to run all the tests
* in it.
trait BaseBigPipeSpec extends PingSpecification {
"The sample app" should {
"render the page without BigPipe" in new WithBrowser(app = createTestComponents().app) {
browser.$("#profile .id").getTexts.get(0) must equalTo("profile")

"render the page client-side with BigPipe" in new WithBrowser {
"render the page client-side with BigPipe" in new WithBrowser(app = createTestComponents().app) {
browser.$("#profile .id").getTexts.get(0) must equalTo("profile")

"render the page server-side with BigPipe" in new WithBrowser {
"render the page server-side with BigPipe" in new WithBrowser(app = createTestComponents().app) {
browser.$("#profile .id").getTexts.get(0) must equalTo("profile")

"render the page client-side with BigPipe and Mustache.js JavaScript templates" in new WithBrowser {
"render the page client-side with BigPipe and Mustache.js JavaScript templates" in new WithBrowser(app = createTestComponents().app) {
browser.$("#profile .id").getTexts.get(0) must equalTo("profile")

"handle errors while rendering with BigPipe" in new WithBrowser {
"handle errors while rendering with BigPipe" in new WithBrowser(app = createTestComponents().app) {
browser.$("#profile .id").getTexts.get(0) must equalTo("profile")
browser.$("#feed .id").getTexts.get(0) must equalTo("error")

"dedupe remote calls" in new WithBrowser {
val values = browser.$(".id").getTexts.asScala

// First 3 values should be the same since they were de-duped, fourth should be different
values must have size 4
values(0) mustEqual values(1)
values(1) mustEqual values(2)
values(1) mustNotEqual values(3)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@

import data.FutureUtil
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
import play.api.libs.iteratee.{Enumerator, Iteratee}
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Results}
import play.api.routing.Router
import play.api.routing.sird._

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

* Tests that BigPipe is actually streaming data as soon as it's available and that chunks are not blocked anywhere.
* The Scala and Java sample apps can extend this trait to run all the tests in it.
trait BaseBigPipeTimingSpec extends PingSpecification {
"BigPipe streaming" should {
"Send down the data in-order, only after all of it is available, without BigPipe" in new WithWarmedUpPingTestServer(createTestComponents(withRouterToTestTimings)) {
val chunkTimings = getTimings(components.wsClient, s"http://localhost:$port/withoutBigPipe")
chunkTimings must not be empty

// Time-to-first-byte: make sure the first chunk was sent back after the maxDelay (within a tolerance of
// ToleranceInMillis)
val firstChunk = chunkTimings(0)
firstChunk.content mustEqual FirstChunkContent
firstChunk.timeElapsed must beGreaterThan(maxDelay - ToleranceInMillis) and beLessThan(maxDelay + ToleranceInMillis)

// Make sure the contents for each pagelet were sent back exactly once
val pageletContentTiming = PageletIndices.flatMap { index =>
pageletContentTiming must have size PageletIndices.size

// Check that contents for each pagelet were delayed by the slowest pagelet and no more (within a tolerance of
// ToleranceInMillis)
val expectedTimingMatchers = { index =>
beGreaterThan(maxDelay - ToleranceInMillis) and beLessThan(maxDelay + ToleranceInMillis)
} must contain(eachOf(expectedTimingMatchers:_*)).inOrder

"Send down the data out-of-order, as soon as any of it is available, with client-side streaming" in new WithWarmedUpPingTestServer(createTestComponents(withRouterToTestTimings)) {
val chunkTimings = getTimings(components.wsClient, s"http://localhost:$port/withBigPipeClientSide")
chunkTimings must not be empty

// Time-to-first-byte: make sure the first chunk was sent back almost immediately
val firstChunk = chunkTimings(0)
firstChunk.content mustEqual FirstChunkContent
firstChunk.timeElapsed must beLessThan(ToleranceInMillis)

// Placeholders: make sure all the placeholders were sent back almost immediately and exactly once
val pageletPlaceholderTiming = PageletIndices.flatMap { index =>
pageletPlaceholderTiming must have size PageletIndices.size must contain(beLessThan(ToleranceInMillis)).forall

// Make sure the contents for each pagelet were sent back exactly once
val pageletContentTiming = PageletIndices.flatMap { index =>
pageletContentTiming must have size PageletIndices.size

// Check that contents for each pagelet were delayed by no more and no less than
// DELAY_MULTIPLIER_IN_MILLIS (within a tolerance of ToleranceInMillis)
val expectedTimingMatchers = { index =>
val expecteDelay = delay(index)
beGreaterThan(expecteDelay - ToleranceInMillis) and beLessThan(expecteDelay + ToleranceInMillis)
} must contain(eachOf(expectedTimingMatchers:_*)).inOrder

"Send down the data in-order, as soon as it's available, with server-side streaming" in new WithWarmedUpPingTestServer(createTestComponents(withRouterToTestTimings)) {
val chunkTimings = getTimings(components.wsClient, s"http://localhost:$port/withBigPipeServerSide")
chunkTimings must not be empty

// Time-to-first-byte: make sure the first chunk was sent back almost immediately
val firstChunk = chunkTimings(0)
firstChunk.content mustEqual FirstChunkContent
firstChunk.timeElapsed must beLessThan(ToleranceInMillis)

// Make sure the contents for each pagelet were sent back exactly once
val pageletContentTiming = PageletIndices.flatMap { index =>
pageletContentTiming must have size PageletIndices.size

// Check that contents for each pagelet were delayed by the slowest pagelet and no more (within a tolerance of
// ToleranceInMillis)
val expectedTimingMatchers = { index =>
beGreaterThan(maxDelay - ToleranceInMillis) and beLessThan(maxDelay + ToleranceInMillis)
} must contain(eachOf(expectedTimingMatchers:_*)).inOrder

private def getTimings(wsClient: WSClient, url: String): Seq[Timing] = {
val initialTimings = Timings()
val (_, bodyEnumerator) = await(wsClient.url(url).getStream())

val checkTiming = Iteratee.fold[Array[Byte], Timings](initialTimings) { (timings, chunk) =>

val timings = await(

// Useful for debugging
println(s"Timings and content for url $url:\n")
timings.chunkTimings.foreach(timing => println(s"----- ${timing.timeElapsed} ms -----\n\n${timing.content}\n\n"))


object TimingHelper {
val PageletIndices = 1 until 5

// Each pagelet id will have this prefix to make it easier to find in the stream of data
val IdPrefix = "pagelet_id_"

// The contents of each pagelet will have this prefix to make it easier to find in the stream of data
val ContentPrefix = "pagelet_content_"

// The placeholder for each pagelet will have this prefix to make it easier to find in the stream of data
val PlaceHolderPrefix = "pagelet_placeholder_"

// The contents of the very first chunk that should be sent back by each page
val FirstChunkContent = "first_chunk_content"

// Each pagelet will be delayed by this many milliseconds
val DelayMultiplierInMillis = 3000L

// With tests running in parallel, things may get a bit delayed, so check all timings within this tolerance
val ToleranceInMillis = DelayMultiplierInMillis / 10

def id(index: Int): String = {

def content(index: Int): String = {

def delay(index: Int): Long = {
(PageletIndices.size - index) * DelayMultiplierInMillis

def maxDelay: Long = {

def placeholder(id: String): String = {

case class Timings(startTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), chunkTimings: Seq[Timing] = Seq.empty) {
def addChunk(contents: Array[Byte]): Timings = {
val timeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
copy(chunkTimings = chunkTimings :+ Timing(new String(contents, "UTF-8"), timeElapsed))

case class Timing(content: String, timeElapsed: Long)

class MockTextPagelet(id: String, content: Future[String]) extends TextPagelet(id, content) {
override def renderPlaceholder(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): HtmlStream = {
HtmlStream.fromHtml(com.ybrikman.bigpipe.html.pageletServerSide(placeholder(id), PageletConstants.EmptyContent))

object CustomRoutes {
def withRouterToTestTimings: Option[RouterComponents => Router] = {
def createRoutes(routerComponents: RouterComponents): Router = {
val futureUtil = new FutureUtil(routerComponents.actorSystem)

Router.from {
case GET(p"/withoutBigPipe") => Action.async {
val futures = mockRemoteServiceCalls(futureUtil).map(_._2)
Future.sequence(futures).map { contents =>
case GET(p"/withBigPipeClientSide") => Action {
val pagelets = mockRemoteServiceCalls(futureUtil).map { case (id, data) => new MockTextPagelet(id, data) }
Results.Ok.chunked(renderPagelets(PageletRenderOptions.ClientSide, pagelets))
case GET(p"/withBigPipeServerSide") => Action {
val pagelets = mockRemoteServiceCalls(futureUtil).map { case (id, data) => new MockTextPagelet(id, data) }
Results.Ok.chunked(renderPagelets(PageletRenderOptions.ServerSide, pagelets))
case GET(p"/warmup") => Action {

Option(createRoutes _)

// Generate a series of Futures that represent remote calls. The Futures are returned in reverse order, from slowest
// to fastest, as a way to demonstrate the advantages of out-of-order client-side rendering.
private def mockRemoteServiceCalls(futureUtil: FutureUtil): Seq[(String, Future[String])] = { { index =>
id(index) -> futureUtil.timeout(content(index), delay(index))

private def renderPagelets(renderOptions: PageletRenderOptions, pagelets: Seq[Pagelet]): HtmlStream = {
val bigPipe = new BigPipe(renderOptions, pagelets:_*)
bigPipe.render { renderedPagelets =>
pagelets.foldLeft(HtmlStream.fromString(FirstChunkContent)) { (stream, pagelet) =>
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@

import play.api.test.WithBrowser
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

* An end-to-end test of the de-duping cache. The Scala and Java sample apps can extend this trait to run all the tests
* in it.
trait BaseDedupeSpec extends PingSpecification {
"The Deduping controller" should {
"dedupe remote calls" in new WithBrowser(app = createTestComponents().app) {
val values = browser.$(".id").getTexts.asScala

// First 3 values should be the same since they were de-duped, fourth should be different
values must have size 4
values(0) mustEqual values(1)
values(1) mustEqual values(2)
values(1) mustNotEqual values(3)

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