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LOTB: a plugin based bot for telegram


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One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them, one bot to bring them all and in the darkness run them. 💍


Several years ago telegram introduced the Bot API, and since then, I have used it to automate tasks and send notifications to my groups.

While the python-telegram-bot library has been my go-to choice, I often found myself reinventing the wheel for each bot I created or used from others' projects. I also had to update all my bots whenever telegram introduced new features or changed its implementation.

To eliminate this pain and save time, I decided to develop a more dry approach for my bots. This system is plugin-based and it shares a common core logic, making it easier to define new bots with just a few lines of code.

Features ✨

  • Plugins based: you can enable or disable plugins either at runtime or in the config
  • Each plugin has its own config entry and entry in the config can be overridden by the env var (useful for secrets)
  • Built-in helper methods to:
    • create, register and run bot commands
    • intercept messages based on a regex and run a callback
    • use sqlite to store data
    • reply to messages or quoted messages
    • support for internal logs
    • schedule tasks for your plugin using the job queue scheduler
    • support for job queue scheduler so you can schedule tasks for your plugin
    • auth: define a list of users or authorize specific groups to interact with the bot
  • Great test coverage (> 70%) ✅

How to use it? 📦

  • Clone this repo (will probably be published on pypi in the future)
  • Install the dependencies with poetry
  • Create a new bot on telegram and get the token
  • Create a config file, see config.example.toml, the base is something like this:
database = "lotb.db" # path to the sqlite database
admins = [''] # list of telegram user ids that can interact with the bot
debug = "false" # set to true to enable debug logs
  • Run the bot
poetry install
poetry run lotb --config config.toml

Docker 🐳

You can also run the bot using docker, the registry is, just create a config file and mount it in the container:

docker run -v $(pwd)/config.toml:/config.toml --config /config.toml

or you can also find a docker-compose example in the docker-compose-example.yaml file.

Plugins 🔌

By default, the bot will load all the plugins in the lotb/plugins directory. You can disable a plugin by removing it from the plugins list in the config file. You can also make the bot load a plugin from a different directory by passing another path to the core.plugins_additional_directory key in the config file.

Available plugins

Be aware that these are the plugins that I wrote for my own use, and they may or may not be useful for you.

  • Welcome: Just an example plugin that will reply to a welcome message
  • RSSfeed: A plugin that will fetch a list of rss feeds and send the new entries every X minutes:
    enabled = true # enable or disable the plugin
    chatid = "" # the chat id where the bot will send the messages
    interval = "30" # the interval in seconds
    feeds = [
        {name = "mullvad", url = ""},
    ] # list of feeds
  • Prometheus_alerts: A plugin that will fetch and send the alerts from a prometheus server:
    enabled = true # enable or disable the plugin
    chatid = "" # the chat id where the bot will send the messages
    alertmanager_url = "https://my.prometheus.server" # the url of the prometheus server
    alert_interval = 1 # the interval in minutes
  • Readwise: A plugin that will let you add the quoted url in your Readwise reader account:
    enabled = true # enable or disable the plugin
    token = "your_token" # can be also set as env var: LOTB_PLUGINS_READWISE_TOKEN
  • Notes: A plugin that will let you save notes in sqlite and retrieve them later:
    enabled = true # enable or disable the plugin
  • Memo: A plugin that will let you save memos based on regex or the first word and save it in separate files. For each category, the plugin will save the memo in a different file automatically by starting the message with the category name, for instance: todo: buy milk will save the memo in the todo file:
    generic = "path/to/generic/memo" # path to the generic memo file
    todo = "path/to/todo" # path to the todo memo file
    book = "" # path to the book memo file
    series = "" # path to the series memo file
    film = "" # path to the film memo file
  • Images: A plugin that will let you save image ids in sqlite and call it in a group chat with imagename.img or search for images with /image search term using Unsplash. If no term is provided, the plugin will return the list of images saved in the database:
    accesskey = "your_access_key" # can be also set as env var: LOTB_PLUGINS_IMAGE_ACCESSKEY
    secretkey = "your_secret_key" # can be also set as env var: LOTB_PLUGINS_IMAGE_SECRETKEY
  • SocialFix: A simple plugin that will fix twitter, instagram and reddit links to show the preview in telegram:
    enabled = true # enable or disable the plugin
    instagram = true # enable or disable the instagram fix
    twitter = true # enable or disable the twitter fix
    reddit = true # enable or disable the reddit fix
  • Quote: A plugin that will let you save quotes in sqlite and retrieve them later. If no quoted message is provided, the plugin will return a random quote from the database:
    enabled = true # enable or disable the plugin

How to add a plugin? What helper methods are available?


Credits 🙏

  • Thanks to the python-telegram-bot dev team for the great library
  • Thanks DALL-E for the great logo
  • This repo has been initialized with:
nix flake init -t github:brokenpip3/my-flake-templates#python-poetry