Implementing computer vision algorithms and applications
- Feature Extraction based on Filter Banks
- K Means Clustering
- Visual Word Dictionary
- Scene Classification
- Direct Linear Transform
- Matrix Decomposition to calculate Homography
- Limitations of Planar Homography
- FAST Detector and BRIEF Descriptors
- Feature Matching
- Compute Homography via RANSAC
- Automated Homography Estimation and Warping
- Augmented Reality Application using Homography
- Simple Lucas & Kanade Tracker with Naive Template Update
- Lucas & Kanade Tracker with Template Correction
- Fundamental Matrix Estimation using Point Correspondence
- Metric Reconstruction
- Retrieval of Camera Matrices up to a Scale and Four-Fold Rotation Ambiguity
- Triangulation using the Homogeneous Least Squares Solution
- 3D Visualization from a Stereo-Pair by Triangulation and 3D Locations Rendering
- Manual Implementation of a Fully Connected Network
- Training the Implemented Models
- Text Extraction from Images of Handwritten Characters
- Image Compression with Autoencoders
- Calibrated Photometric Stereo
- Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo