A mobile flashcard app that lets you create different categories of flashcards called decks, add flashcards to those decks, then take quizzes on those decks.
yarn install
yarn start
yarn test
The primary view, seen when the app loads, is a list of created decks which includes the name of each deck and the number of cards.
The Create/Edit view includes a form with the deck fields and a FAB to create a new flashcard with a question and answer fields.
The individual deck view, seen when the deck is pressed, includes:
- List of created decks
- Option to start a quiz for that deck
- Option to edit that deck
The quiz view displays all flashcards for that deck, each flashcard is displayed, along with a button to show the answer. Buttons are included to allow the student to mark their guess as 'Correct' or 'Incorrect'. When the last flashcard is answered, a score is displayed