This is a template that uses Turbo Repo as a Mono Repo. Tailwind CSS v.4.0.1. Shadcn UI.
It also includes ESLint and Prettier configuration.
Package manager used for this template is PNPM.
You can use the following command to install the required dependencies:
pnpm install
The following tasks are included with Turbo Repo, they can be used with the package manager PNPM.
Cleans all the unnecessary folders that are not needed for pushing remote.
pnpm run clean
Uses Prettier to format all the files of the project following the rules from ./config/prettier/base.js and ignores files from ./.gitignore and ./.prettierignore
pnpm run format
Uses ESLint to lint most of the files of the project following the rules from ./config/eslint/base.js.
pnpm run lint
Uses Next.js to build the client project.
pnpm run build
Uses Next.js to run the development project.
pnpm run dev
You can install a component using Shadcn UI by following the next commands:
Enter ./packages/ui/ with the command.
cd ./packages/ui/
Install the package you desire from Shadcn UI:
npx shadcn@latest add component
Tailwind CSS v.4.0.1 is in the latest version 4.0.1
. You can find all the configuration in ./config/tailwind/.
The file globals.css is based on the file from this file.
To use the components in your app, import them from the ui package.
import Button from "@workspace/ui/components/ui/button";
You can also create your own component and later export it like the example of Basic Date Picker. Then import it in your application as normal page.tsx.
import DatePicker from "@workspace/ui/components/ui/basic-date-picker";