Why? This was an experiment to quickly show archived Slack data. It was also a pretty compelling reason to mess around with Node, Bootstrap 4, and Express
You will need to export Slack data. Download the zipped JSON file from:
Instructions vary per operating system, so check out the instructions at NodeJS download
git clone [email protected]:bsimpson/slack_viewer.git
cd slack_viewer
See https://slack.com/help/articles/201658943-Export-your-workspace-data
From the documentation at the link above:
- From your desktop, click your workspace name in the top left.
- Select Settings & administration from the menu, then click Workspace settings.
- Choose Import/Export Data in the top right.
- Select the Export tab.
- Below Export date range, open the drop-down menu to select an option.
- Click Start Export. We'll send you an email once it's ready.
- Open the email and click Visit your workspace's export page.
- Click Ready for download to access the zip file.
The zip file will contain your workspace's message history (in JSON format) and file links from all public channels.
mkdir data
cd data
mv /path/to/slack_download.zip ./
unzip slack_download.zip
You should have a list of files in your data/ directory (your contents will vary)
|-- channels.json
|-- users.json
|-- whining
│ |-- 2015-06-25.json
│ |-- 2015-06-29.json
|-- wood-working
|-- 2017-03-27.json
npm install
PORT=8000 npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:8000