This repository is the code of the Server . Using the HTTP communication to contact with the Client.
1.Python 3.6.
2.Win10 or linux which had been confired ok.
3.The module required are: flask, opencv-python,dlib,imutils,time,numpy
You should look the and only have to change the name of "", this file can transform the value to the cmd or shell, you also should notice the location of the "".
the caffe model had been packed ,so you only need to load the model to start your detection.
the module of the tracking will need the dlib , if your system is windows and the version of the python is 3.6, please pip the file of the "dlib-19.8.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl" which we had uploaded .
The very big problem is that you haven't a C# client , But you don't need to feel confused, you can create a client by python to visit your own computer. The code I had been writted in the, you only need to change the address of the server in the and the .
the C# should give a text box to input the address of the server, not to write in the code .
the python should give the results of the obeject-realy-tracking to the C#, and the C# should change the format of the base64 to the fram of the video.