A modern PHP library for verifying Yubico One-Time Passwords.
This library can be found on Packagist. The recommended way to install this is through composer.
composer require bulldog/yubico
We include Guzzle by default, but you are
welcome to use any other PHP HTTP client. You will need to create a new adapter
for any other PHP HTTP client and have it implement the OtpAdapterInterface
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Bulldog\Yubico\Yubico;
use Bulldog\Yubico\Adapters\GuzzleAdapter;
$yubico = new Yubico('1234', 'c2VjcmV0X2tleQ==', new GuzzleAdapter());
if($yubico->verify('longonetimepasswordgeneratedfromayubicokey')) {
echo "That OTP is good!\n";
} else {
echo "OTP is bad!\n";
echo $yubico->getReason() . "\n";