Releases: businesscode/BCD-UI
We are proud to present our first stable release after going OS
Major new features:
. Components: Scorecard, Cube, Charts, Export
- Added Scorecard configurator with a drag'n drop area similar to the cube one
- Scorecard new scc:Description element in configuration, picked up by tooltip
- Scorecard new scc:Kpi/@skipAspects allows to list space separated per kpi, which aspects do not apply. Per default bcdFailure and bcdFrequeny are disabled for KPI which are not of type i/t
- dm:Measure element has got dm:Categories definition, currently supported by Free Analysis Report component (FAR)
- new dm:DimensionsAndMeasures/dm:Dimensions/dm:DimensionRef element now references dm:Levels of entire Dimension from /bcdui/conf/dimensions.xml
- new dm:CategoryTypes element defining a global set of categories used for Dimensions and Levels in /bcdui/conf/categories.xml
. Widgets
- New widget: Added dropDown Button functionality
- PeriodChooser has quick-pick options for LastDay/Week/Month (depending on the allowed options)
- DimensionChooser has new parameter to limit number of shown levels
- SideBySideChooser has new parameter doSortOptions to enable/disable sorting of optionsmodel (default is true)
- SideBySideChooser has got up/down controls to rearrange target selection
. Core
- bcdui.core.DataProviderWithXPathNodes can now be used as input model for transformations.
. Security / Bindings / WebRowSet
- Preventing XML injection via entities and XIncludes for client provided files
. Build / Dev / Docu
- Eclipse ApiStubs for IDE autosuggest is now one file only
- JSDoc Introduced new well-known types for modelXPath, WritableModelXPath, chainDef, i18nToken, targetHtmlRef
Major bug fixes:
. META-INF/gitInformation about git's local repo status is back again
. Removed SideBySideChooser source and targetKey attributes. source/targetCaption (removed prefix 'default') attributes support i18n now
. DimensionChooser auto hides level selector if number of visible levels is 1, this now also applies i fonly one is left via visible=false
. Library logging is using application server's local time for timestamps (has used database timestamp before).
Due to asynchronous nature of logging the logging event creation time is now captured rather than database record insertion time.
Affected loggers: bcd_log_access, bcd_log_error, bcd_log_login, bcd_log_page, bcd_log_session, bcd_log_sql
. bcdui.core.DataProviderWithXPathNodes: .getData() returns a document now (instead of an element), hence if used as a parameter to XSL-T the
parameter references the document the root element is accessed via xpath: $someParam/* ( previously was referenced by $someParam ).
Related to this change /wrs/requestDocumentBuilder.xslt has been modified on lookups for params: $additionalFilterXPath, $additionalPassiveFilterXPath
both using the DataProviderWithXPathNodes
. If you used cubeConfigurator's isDefaultHtmlLayout='false' before, you need to provide bcdCubeDndMatrix container yourself