FNET v4.5.1
- Version 4.5.1
- Certified for Microsoft Azure IoT.
- Updated Azure IoT SDK to version 1.2.5.
- Updated mbedTLS to version 2.12.0.
- Added fnet_mdns_probe() which restarts mDNS probing.
- Added "freertos" or "bm" sub-folders to the demo application directory fnet_demos/build/<board_name>/<demo_name>/[freertos|bm]
- Renamed demo applications:
- azure to shell_azure.
- bench to shell_bench.
- boot to shell_boot.
- shell_boot to shell_boot_app.
- shell_mbedtls to shell_tls
- shell_freertos_wifi to shell_wifi
- Fixed fnet_timer_poll() which caused infinite loop for the WiFi example.
Best regards,
Andrey Butok