To analyze as much as possible of an existing CosmosDB Graph Database.
-c AccountEndpoint=https://{cosmosdb_name};AccountKey={primary_key};ApiKind=Gremlin;Database={database_name};Collection={collection_name}
dotnet AnalyseCosmosDbGraphDatabase.dll "-c AccountEndpoint..."
(It is still rather basic.)
Collection Size Quota: 133 120,00 mb (The maximum size of a collection)
Collection Size Usage: 74 952,00 mb (The current size of a collection)
Document Quota: 133 120,00 mb (The maximum size of a documents within a collection)
Document Usage: 0,00 mb (The current size of documents within a collection)
Documents: 40 014 370,00 (Number of documents (nodes/edges) in the collection
| Partition Range | Number of Documents | Size in KB | Partitition Key Info (max 3 will be shown) |
| 4 | 2606498 | 5149472 | ["eee17"] 152954kb, ["eee16"] 152954kb, ["ccc15"] 152954kb |
| 1 | 2022219 | 3973434 | ["ccc18"] 196704kb, ["ddd16"] 196704kb, ["ccc10"] 196704kb |
| 2 | 2172013 | 4289675 | ["ccc9"] 169888kb, ["ddd1"] 169888kb, ["bbb20"] 169888kb |
| 3 | 1901843 | 3747820 | ["ccc6"] 148428kb, ["aaa16"] 148428kb, ["eee23"] 148428kb |
| 0 | 1988031 | 3769531 | ["bbb6"] 149288kb, ["ddd14"] 149288kb, ["ddd13"] 149288kb |
Indexing Mode: Consistent
Index Automatic: True
Included Paths:
Path: /*
Range Number -1
Range String -1
Spatial Point
Excluded Paths: