- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- React Router - Routing Library
- Styled Components - Styling library for CSS in JS
- Node.js - Back end JavaScript runtime
- BCryptJS - Module to hash passwords
- cors - package for providing a Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS
- expressjs - Node.js framework
- json web token - Implements JSON web tokens
- knex.js - SQL query builder
- sqlite3 - Library that implements SQL database engine
Carlo Clamucha |
Erik Sandoval | Josh Timmons |
Mario Amaya | Mary Sabol |
Aman Singh | Laryna B |
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i6SwwcUyFc Google Maps with Foodie Fun
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg8Gu-4Y9fc&t=5s Cloudinary / ES6 syntax