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puzhichen committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 6ea5c6c commit 36942da
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Showing 5 changed files with 432 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gpu4pyscf/
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Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@

__version__ = '1.3.0'

from . import lib, grad, hessian, solvent, scf, dft
from . import lib, grad, hessian, solvent, scf, dft, tdscf
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions gpu4pyscf/grad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
from gpu4pyscf.grad.rks import Gradients as RKS
from gpu4pyscf.grad.uhf import Gradients as UHF
from gpu4pyscf.grad.uks import Gradients as UKS
from . import tdrhf
361 changes: 361 additions & 0 deletions gpu4pyscf/grad/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
# Copyright 2021-2024 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from functools import reduce
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from gpu4pyscf.grad import rhf as rhf_grad
from gpu4pyscf.df import int3c2e
from gpu4pyscf.lib.cupy_helper import contract
from gpu4pyscf.scf import cphf
from gpu4pyscf import lib as lib_gpu
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf.scf import _vhf

def get_jk(mol, dm):
'''J = ((-nabla i) j| kl) D_lk
K = ((-nabla i) j| kl) D_jk
if not isinstance(dm, np.ndarray): dm = dm.get()
# vhfopt = _VHFOpt(mol, 'int2e_ip1').build()
intor = mol._add_suffix('int2e_ip1')
vj, vk = _vhf.direct_mapdm(intor, # (nabla i,j|k,l)
's2kl', # ip1_sph has k>=l,
('lk->s1ij', 'jk->s1il'),
dm, 3, # xyz, 3 components
mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env)
return -vj, -vk

def grad_elec(td_grad, x_y, singlet=True, atmlst=None,
max_memory=2000, verbose=logger.INFO):
Electronic part of TDA, TDHF nuclear gradients
td_grad : grad.tdrhf.Gradients or grad.tdrks.Gradients object.
x_y : a two-element list of numpy arrays
TDDFT X and Y amplitudes. If Y is set to 0, this function computes
TDA energy gradients.
log = logger.new_logger(td_grad, verbose)
time0 = logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()

mol = td_grad.mol
mf = td_grad.base._scf
mo_coeff = cp.asarray(mf.mo_coeff)
mo_energy = cp.asarray(mf.mo_energy)
mo_occ = cp.asarray(mf.mo_occ)
nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape
nocc = int((mo_occ>0).sum())
nvir = nmo - nocc
x, y = x_y
x = cp.asarray(x)
y = cp.asarray(y)
xpy = (x+y).reshape(nocc,nvir).T
xmy = (x-y).reshape(nocc,nvir).T
orbv = mo_coeff[:,nocc:]
orbo = mo_coeff[:,:nocc]
dvv = cp.einsum('ai,bi->ab', xpy, xpy) + cp.einsum('ai,bi->ab', xmy, xmy) # 2 T_{ab}
doo =-cp.einsum('ai,aj->ij', xpy, xpy) - cp.einsum('ai,aj->ij', xmy, xmy) # 2 T_{ij}
dmxpy = reduce(, (orbv, xpy, orbo.T)) # (X+Y) in ao basis
dmxmy = reduce(, (orbv, xmy, orbo.T)) # (X-Y) in ao basis
dmzoo = reduce(, (orbo, doo, orbo.T)) # T_{ij}*2 in ao basis
dmzoo+= reduce(, (orbv, dvv, orbv.T)) # T_{ij}*2 + T_{ab}*2 in ao basis

vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, (dmzoo, dmxpy+dmxpy.T, dmxmy-dmxmy.T), hermi=0)
if not isinstance(vj, cp.ndarray): vj = cp.asarray(vj)
if not isinstance(vk, cp.ndarray): vk = cp.asarray(vk)
veff0doo = vj[0] * 2 - vk[0] # 2 for alpha and beta
wvo = reduce(, (orbv.T, veff0doo, orbo)) * 2
if singlet:
veff = vj[1] * 2 - vk[1]
veff = -vk[1]
veff0mop = reduce(, (mo_coeff.T, veff, mo_coeff))
wvo -= cp.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mop[:nocc,:nocc], xpy) * 2 # 2 for dm + dm.T
wvo += cp.einsum('ac,ai->ci', veff0mop[nocc:,nocc:], xpy) * 2
veff = -vk[2]
veff0mom = reduce(, (mo_coeff.T, veff, mo_coeff))
wvo -= cp.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mom[:nocc,:nocc], xmy) * 2
wvo += cp.einsum('ac,ai->ci', veff0mom[nocc:,nocc:], xmy) * 2

# set singlet=None, generate function for CPHF type response kernel
vresp = mf.gen_response(singlet=None, hermi=1)
def fvind(x): # For singlet, closed shell ground state
dm = reduce(, (orbv, x.reshape(nvir,nocc)*2, orbo.T)) # 2 for double occupancy
v1ao = vresp(dm+dm.T) # for the upused 2
return reduce(, (orbv.T, v1ao, orbo)).ravel()
z1 = cphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, wvo,
z1 = z1.reshape(nvir,nocc)
time1 = log.timer('Z-vector using CPHF solver', *time0)

z1ao = reduce(, (orbv, z1, orbo.T))
veff = vresp(z1ao+z1ao.T)

im0 = cp.zeros((nmo,nmo))
# in the following, all should be doubled, due to double occupancy
# and 0.5 for i<=j and a<= b
# but this is reduced.
im0[:nocc,:nocc] = reduce(, (orbo.T, veff0doo+veff, orbo)) # H_{ij}^+[T] + H_{ij}^+[Z] #
im0[:nocc,:nocc]+= cp.einsum('ak,ai->ki', veff0mop[nocc:,:nocc], xpy) # H_{ij}^+[T] + H_{ij}^+[Z] + sum_{a} (X+Y)_{aj}H_{ai}^+[(X+Y)]
im0[:nocc,:nocc]+= cp.einsum('ak,ai->ki', veff0mom[nocc:,:nocc], xmy) # H_{ij}^+[T] + H_{ij}^+[Z] + sum_{a} (X+Y)_{aj}H_{ai}^+[(X+Y)] + sum_{a} (X-Y)_{aj}H_{ai}^-[(X-Y)]
im0[nocc:,nocc:] = cp.einsum('ci,ai->ac', veff0mop[nocc:,:nocc], xpy) # sum_{i} (X+Y)_{ci}H_{ai}^+[(X+Y)]
im0[nocc:,nocc:]+= cp.einsum('ci,ai->ac', veff0mom[nocc:,:nocc], xmy) # sum_{i} (X+Y)_{ci}H_{ai}^+[(X+Y)] + sum_{i} (X-Y)_{cj}H_{ai}^-[(X-Y)]
im0[nocc:,:nocc] = cp.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mop[:nocc,:nocc], xpy)*2 # sum_{i} (X+Y)_{ki}H_{ai}^+[(X+Y)] * 2
im0[nocc:,:nocc]+= cp.einsum('ki,ai->ak', veff0mom[:nocc,:nocc], xmy)*2 # sum_{i} (X+Y)_{ki}H_{ai}^+[(X+Y)] + sum_{i} (X-Y)_{ki}H_{ai}^-[(X-Y)] * 2

zeta = lib_gpu.cupy_helper.direct_sum('i+j->ij', mo_energy, mo_energy) * .5
zeta[nocc:,:nocc] = mo_energy[:nocc]
zeta[:nocc,nocc:] = mo_energy[nocc:]
dm1 = cp.zeros((nmo,nmo))
dm1[:nocc,:nocc] = doo
dm1[nocc:,nocc:] = dvv
dm1[nocc:,:nocc] = z1
dm1[:nocc,:nocc] += cp.eye(nocc)*2 # for ground state
im0 = reduce(, (mo_coeff, im0+zeta*dm1, mo_coeff.T))

# Initialize hcore_deriv with the underlying SCF object because some
# extensions (e.g. QM/MM, solvent) modifies the SCF object only.
mf_grad = td_grad.base._scf.nuc_grad_method()
s1 = mf_grad.get_ovlp(mol)

dmz1doo = z1ao + dmzoo # P
oo0 = reduce(, (orbo, orbo.T)) #D

if atmlst is None:
atmlst = range(mol.natm)
# offsetdic = mol.offset_nr_by_atom()
de = cp.zeros((len(atmlst),3))
h1 = cp.asarray(mf_grad.get_hcore(mol)) # without 1/r like terms
s1 = cp.asarray(mf_grad.get_ovlp(mol))
dh_ground = contract('xij,ij->xi', h1, oo0*2)
dh_td = contract('xij,ij->xi', h1, (dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T)*0.5)
ds = contract('xij,ij->xi', s1, (im0+im0.T)*0.5)

dh1e_ground = int3c2e.get_dh1e(mol, oo0*2) # 1/r like terms
if mol.has_ecp():
dh1e_ground += rhf_grad.get_dh1e_ecp(mol, oo0*2) # 1/r like terms
dh1e_td = int3c2e.get_dh1e(mol, (dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T)*0.5) # 1/r like terms
if mol.has_ecp():
dh1e_td += rhf_grad.get_dh1e_ecp(mol, (dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T)*0.5) # 1/r like terms

dvhf_DD_DP = mf_grad.get_veff(mol, (dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T)*0.5 + oo0*2)
dvhf_DD_DP -= mf_grad.get_veff(mol, (dmz1doo+dmz1doo.T)*0.5)
dvhf_xpy = mf_grad.get_veff(mol, dmxpy+dmxpy.T)*2
dvhf_xmy = mf_grad.get_veff(mol, dmxmy-dmxmy.T)*2
vj, vk = get_jk(mol, (dmxmy-dmxmy.T)) #D, P, (X+Y), (X-Y)
if not isinstance(vj, cp.ndarray): vj = cp.asarray(vj)
if not isinstance(vk, cp.ndarray): vk = cp.asarray(vk)
vj = vj.reshape(3,nao,nao)
vk = vk.reshape(3,nao,nao)
vhf1 = -vk
if singlet:
vhf1 += vj * 2
vhf1 += vj*2
extra_force = cp.zeros((len(atmlst),3))
for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
extra_force[k] += mf_grad.extra_force(ia, locals())

delec = 2.0*(dh_ground + dh_td - ds)
aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
delec= cp.asarray([cp.sum(delec[:, p0:p1], axis=1) for p0, p1 in aoslices[:,2:]])
de = 2.0 * (dvhf_DD_DP + dvhf_xpy) + dh1e_ground + dh1e_td + delec + extra_force
if atmlst is None:
atmlst = range(mol.natm)
offsetdic = mol.offset_nr_by_atom()
for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst):
shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = offsetdic[ia]
de[k] += cp.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1[:,p0:p1], dmxmy[p0:p1,:]) * 2
de[k] -= cp.einsum('xji,ij->x', vhf1[:,p0:p1], dmxmy[:,p0:p1]) * 2

log.timer('TDHF nuclear gradients', *time0)
return de.get()

# def as_scanner(td_grad, state=1):
# '''Generating a nuclear gradients scanner/solver (for geometry optimizer).

# The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument
# "mol" as input and returns energy and first order nuclear derivatives.

# The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the
# initial guess of the new calculation. All parameters assigned in the
# nuc-grad object and SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are
# automatically applied in the solver.

# Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects
# (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during calculation.

# Examples::

# >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, tdscf, grad
# >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1')
# >>> td_grad_scanner = scf.RHF(mol).apply(tdscf.TDA).nuc_grad_method().as_scanner()
# >>> e_tot, grad = td_grad_scanner(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1'))
# >>> e_tot, grad = td_grad_scanner(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.5'))
# '''
# from pyscf import gto
# if isinstance(td_grad, lib.GradScanner):
# return td_grad

# if state == 0:
# return td_grad.base._scf.nuc_grad_method().as_scanner()

#, 'Create scanner for %s', td_grad.__class__)
# name = td_grad.__class__.__name__ + TDSCF_GradScanner.__name_mixin__
# return lib.set_class(TDSCF_GradScanner(td_grad, state),
# (TDSCF_GradScanner, td_grad.__class__), name)

# class TDSCF_GradScanner(lib.GradScanner):
# _keys = {'e_tot'}

# def __init__(self, g, state):
# lib.GradScanner.__init__(self, g)
# if state is not None:
# self.state = state

# def __call__(self, mol_or_geom, state=None, **kwargs):
# if isinstance(mol_or_geom, gto.MoleBase):
# assert mol_or_geom.__class__ == gto.Mole
# mol = mol_or_geom
# else:
# mol = self.mol.set_geom_(mol_or_geom, inplace=False)
# self.reset(mol)

# if state is None:
# state = self.state
# else:
# self.state = state

# td_scanner = self.base
# td_scanner(mol)
# # TODO: Check root flip. Maybe avoid the initial guess in TDHF otherwise
# # large error may be found in the excited states amplitudes
# de = self.kernel(state=state, **kwargs)
# e_tot = self.e_tot[state-1]
# return e_tot, de

# @property
# def converged(self):
# td_scanner = self.base
# return all((td_scanner._scf.converged,
# td_scanner.converged[self.state]))

class Gradients(rhf_grad.GradientsBase):

cphf_max_cycle = getattr(__config__, 'grad_tdrhf_Gradients_cphf_max_cycle', 20)
cphf_conv_tol = getattr(__config__, 'grad_tdrhf_Gradients_cphf_conv_tol', 1e-8)

_keys = {
'cphf_max_cycle', 'cphf_conv_tol',
'mol', 'base', 'chkfile', 'state', 'atmlst', 'de',

def __init__(self, td):
self.verbose = td.verbose
self.stdout = td.stdout
self.mol = td.mol
self.base = td
self.chkfile = td.chkfile
self.max_memory = td.max_memory
self.state = 1 # of which the gradients to be computed.
self.atmlst = None = None

def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)'\n')'******** LR %s gradients for %s ********',
self.base.__class__, self.base._scf.__class__)'cphf_conv_tol = %g', self.cphf_conv_tol)'cphf_max_cycle = %d', self.cphf_max_cycle)'chkfile = %s', self.chkfile)'State ID = %d', self.state)'max_memory %d MB (current use %d MB)',
self.max_memory, lib.current_memory()[0])'\n')
return self

def grad_elec(self, xy, singlet, atmlst=None):
return grad_elec(self, xy, singlet, atmlst, self.max_memory, self.verbose)

def kernel(self, xy=None, state=None, singlet=None, atmlst=None):
state : int
Excited state ID. state = 1 means the first excited state.
if xy is None:
if state is None:
state = self.state
self.state = state

if state == 0:
logger.warn(self, 'state=0 found in the input. '
'Gradients of ground state is computed.')
return self.base._scf.nuc_grad_method().kernel(atmlst=atmlst)

xy = self.base.xy[state-1]

if singlet is None: singlet = self.base.singlet
if atmlst is None:
atmlst = self.atmlst
self.atmlst = atmlst

if self.verbose >= logger.WARN:
if self.verbose >= logger.INFO:

de = self.grad_elec(xy, singlet, atmlst) = de = de + self.grad_nuc(atmlst=atmlst)
if self.mol.symmetry: = self.symmetrize(, atmlst)

# Calling the underlying SCF nuclear gradients because it may be modified
# by external modules (e.g. QM/MM, solvent)
def grad_nuc(self, mol=None, atmlst=None):
mf_grad = self.base._scf.nuc_grad_method()
return mf_grad.grad_nuc(mol, atmlst)

def _finalize(self):
if self.verbose >= logger.NOTE:
logger.note(self, '--------- %s gradients for state %d ----------',
self.base.__class__.__name__, self.state)
self._write(self.mol,, self.atmlst)
logger.note(self, '----------------------------------------------')

# as_scanner = as_scanner

to_gpu = lib.to_gpu

Grad = Gradients

from pyscf import tdscf
tdscf.rhf.TDA.Gradients = tdscf.rhf.TDHF.Gradients = lib.class_as_method(Gradients)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion gpu4pyscf/lib/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ if(BUILD_LIBXC)
Expand Down

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