compare changes
🩹 Fixes
Make TO_REPLACE_STRING include null terminator characters to avoid breaking binary file while patching (d895f12 )
💅 Refactors
Put platform-dependent constants into a single dictionary (c78c9c2 )
Remove fixed replacement string and generate random string for patching (b9b01c8 )
Move Firefox setup logic into class methods and remove redundant utility functions (6bb6fd4 )
📖 Documentation
Update for better clarity (f2d5f97 )
🏡 Chore
Temporarily revoke support for Windows and MacOS due to breakage (f101ea7 )
setup: Temporarily disable support for MacOS and Windows (252250a )
Bump version to 1.0.5 (296b31e )
Bump version in to v1.0.5 (9e3cadc )
Bump version to 1.0.6 (79eccab )
🎨 Styles
Lint and format all project files (279f200 )
Remove prefix underscore in get_platform_dependent_params function name (b41b84d )
Format workflow YAML files (3d49e05 )
❤️ Contributors
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