- git
- conda
- snakemake
- At least 15 cores CPU
Clone this repository in the machine that will be providing the hardware. You need to have
installed in this machine:git --version git clone https://github.com/cahuparo/renseq_assembly_snakemake.git
Create the conda environment to makesure that all tools/packages are installed:
conda create --prefix /path/to/the/working/directory/env_renseq_assembly conda activate /path/to/the/working/directory/env_renseq_assembly conda install -c bioconda snakemake conda install -c bioconda pbccs conda install -c bioconda bamtools conda install -c bioconda bam2fastx conda install -c bioconda cutadapt conda install -c bioconda blasr conda install -c bioconda biopython conda install -c bioconda canu conda deactivate
Gather raw data (bam file) for each genotype and place it in a directory labeled
mkdir bam #cp or scp bam files ---> to the bam directory
Then create a screen session
Activate conda environment
conda activate /path/to/the/working/directory/env_renseq_assembly
and monitor aftercontrol + AD
snakemake --latency-wait 120 --cores 32