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Simplified powershell bootstrapper #56

wants to merge 2 commits into from
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File filter

Filter by extension

Filter by extension

Failed to load comments.
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Failed to load files.
Diff view
Diff view
215 changes: 74 additions & 141 deletions build.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ Performs a dry run.
Uses the nightly builds of the Roslyn script engine.
Uses the Mono Compiler rather than the Roslyn script engine.
.PARAMETER SkipToolPackageRestore
Skips restoring of packages.
.PARAMETER CakeVersion
The Cake version to use when running the build script.
The the CORE CLR edition of Cake.
Remaining arguments are added here.

Expand All @@ -51,32 +53,29 @@ Param(
[version]$CakeVersion = '0.28.0',

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Security") | Out-Null
function MD5HashFile([string] $filePath)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filePath) -or !(Test-Path $filePath -PathType Leaf))
return $null
if (!(Test-Path Function:\Expand-Archive)) {
function Expand-Archive() {
param([string]$Path, [string]$DestinationPath)

[System.IO.Stream] $file = $null;
[System.Security.Cryptography.MD5] $md5 = $null;
$md5 = [System.Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create()
$file = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($filePath)
return [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash($file))
if ($file -ne $null)
if (!(Test-Path $DestinationPath)) { New-Item -Type Directory -Path $DestinationPath }

$isPowershellCore = $PSVersionTable -and $PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core'
$haveNet45 = $PSVersionTable -and $PSVersionTable.CLRVersion -and ($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion -ge [version]'4.0.30319.17001')

if ($isPowershellCore -or $haveNet45) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($Path, $DestinationPath)
} else {
$shellApplication = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
$zipPackage = $shellApplication.namespace($Path)
$destinationFolder = $shellApplication.namespace($DestinationPath)
$destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipPackage.Items(), 16)
Expand All @@ -90,146 +89,80 @@ function GetProxyEnabledWebClient
return $wc

Write-Host "Preparing to run build script..."

$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
if (!$PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition }

$TOOLS_DIR = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "tools"
$ADDINS_DIR = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "Addins"
$MODULES_DIR = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "Modules"
$NUGET_EXE = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "nuget.exe"
$CAKE_EXE = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "Cake/Cake.exe"
$PACKAGES_CONFIG = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "packages.config"
$PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 = Join-Path $TOOLS_DIR "packages.config.md5sum"
$ADDINS_PACKAGES_CONFIG = Join-Path $ADDINS_DIR "packages.config"
$MODULES_PACKAGES_CONFIG = Join-Path $MODULES_DIR "packages.config"

# Make sure tools folder exists
if ((Test-Path $PSScriptRoot) -and !(Test-Path $TOOLS_DIR)) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Creating tools directory..."
New-Item -Path $TOOLS_DIR -Type directory | out-null

if ($UseNetCore) {
} else {

# Make sure that packages.config exist.
if (!(Test-Path $PACKAGES_CONFIG)) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading packages.config..."
try {
$wc = GetProxyEnabledWebClient
$wc.DownloadFile("", $PACKAGES_CONFIG) } catch {
Throw "Could not download packages.config."
$CAKE_URL = "$($CAKE_DIR_NAME)/$($CakeVersion)"

if ($CakeVersion) {
$CAKE_EXE_DIR = Join-Path "$TOOLS_DIR" "$CAKE_DIR_NAME.$($CakeVersion.ToString())"
} else {

# Try find NuGet.exe in path if not exists
if (!(Test-Path $NUGET_EXE)) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Trying to find nuget.exe in PATH..."
$existingPaths = $Env:Path -Split ';' | Where-Object { (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) -and (Test-Path $_ -PathType Container) }
$NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH = Get-ChildItem -Path $existingPaths -Filter "nuget.exe" | Select -First 1
if ($NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH -ne $null -and (Test-Path $NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH.FullName)) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Found in PATH at $($NUGET_EXE_IN_PATH.FullName)."
if ((Test-Path $PSScriptRoot) -and !(Test-Path $TOOLS_DIR)) {
Write-Verbose "Creating tools directory..."
New-Item -Path $TOOLS_DIR -Type Directory | Out-Null

# Try download NuGet.exe if not exists
if (!(Test-Path $NUGET_EXE)) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading NuGet.exe..."
if (!(Test-Path $CAKE_EXE_DIR)) {
# We download and save it as a normal zip file, in cases
# were we need to extract it using com.
$tmpDownloadFile = Join-Path "$TOOLS_DIR" "$"
Write-Verbose "Downloading Cake package..."

try {
$wc = GetProxyEnabledWebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($NUGET_URL, $NUGET_EXE)
$wc.DownloadFile($CAKE_URL, $tmpDownloadFile)
} catch {
Throw "Could not download NuGet.exe."
throw "Could not download Cake package...`n`nException:$_"

# Save nuget.exe path to environment to be available to child processed

# Restore tools from NuGet?
if(-Not $SkipToolPackageRestore.IsPresent) {
Set-Location $TOOLS_DIR

# Check for changes in packages.config and remove installed tools if true.
[string] $md5Hash = MD5HashFile($PACKAGES_CONFIG)
if((!(Test-Path $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5)) -Or
($md5Hash -ne (Get-Content $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 ))) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Missing or changed package.config hash..."
Get-ChildItem -Exclude packages.config,nuget.exe,Cake.Bakery |
Remove-Item -Recurse

Write-Verbose -Message "Restoring tools from NuGet..."
$NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "&`"$NUGET_EXE`" install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$TOOLS_DIR`""

if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Throw "An error occurred while restoring NuGet tools."
$md5Hash | Out-File $PACKAGES_CONFIG_MD5 -Encoding "ASCII"
Write-Verbose -Message ($NuGetOutput | out-string)

Write-Verbose "Extracting Cake package..."
Expand-Archive -Path $tmpDownloadFile -DestinationPath $CAKE_EXE_DIR
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $tmpDownloadFile,"$CAKE_EXE_DIR/_rels","$CAKE_EXE_DIR/``[Content_Types``].xml","$CAKE_EXE_DIR/package"

# Restore addins from NuGet
Set-Location $ADDINS_DIR

Write-Verbose -Message "Restoring addins from NuGet..."
$NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "&`"$NUGET_EXE`" install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$ADDINS_DIR`""

if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Throw "An error occurred while restoring NuGet addins."

Write-Verbose -Message ($NuGetOutput | out-string)

if ($UseNetCore) {
$CAKE_EXE = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $CAKE_EXE_DIR -Filter "Cake.dll" -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
if (!$CAKE_EXE) { throw "Unable to find the Cake.dll library" }
} else {
$CAKE_EXE = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $CAKE_EXE_DIR -Filter "Cake.exe" -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
if (!$CAKE_EXE) { throw "Unable to find the Cake.exe executable" }

# Restore modules from NuGet
Set-Location $MODULES_DIR
$cakeArguments = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
$cakeArguments.Add($Script) | Out-Null
$excludeArgs = @("Script","CakeVersion","UseNetCore","ScriptArgs", "Verbose")

Write-Verbose -Message "Restoring modules from NuGet..."
$NuGetOutput = Invoke-Expression "&`"$NUGET_EXE`" install -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory `"$MODULES_DIR`""

if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Throw "An error occurred while restoring NuGet modules."
$PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | ? { !$excludeArgs.Contains($_.Key) } | % {
if ($_.Value) {
} else {

Write-Verbose -Message ($NuGetOutput | out-string)

} | Out-Null
if ($ScriptArgs) {
$cakeArguments.AddRange($ScriptArgs) | Out-Null

# Make sure that Cake has been installed.
if (!(Test-Path $CAKE_EXE)) {
Throw "Could not find Cake.exe at $CAKE_EXE"
if ($UseNetCore) {
$cakeArguments.Insert(0, $CAKE_EXE) | Out-Null
$CAKE_EXE = Get-Command -Name dotnet | ForEach-Object Definition
} elseif ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne [System.PlatformID]::Win32NT) {
$cakeArguments.Insert(0, $CAKE_EXE) | Out-Null
$CAKE_EXE = Get-Command -Name mono | ForEach-Object Definition

# Build Cake arguments
$cakeArguments = @("$Script");
if ($Target) { $cakeArguments += "-target=$Target" }
if ($Configuration) { $cakeArguments += "-configuration=$Configuration" }
if ($Verbosity) { $cakeArguments += "-verbosity=$Verbosity" }
if ($ShowDescription) { $cakeArguments += "-showdescription" }
if ($DryRun) { $cakeArguments += "-dryrun" }
if ($Experimental) { $cakeArguments += "-experimental" }
if ($Mono) { $cakeArguments += "-mono" }
$cakeArguments += $ScriptArgs

# Start Cake
Write-Host "Running build script..."
&$CAKE_EXE $cakeArguments
Write-Verbose "Calling & $CAKE_EXE $cakeArguments"
& $Cake_EXE $cakeArguments