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Calamares Actions

This repository holds GitHub actions used by the other Calamares repositories (e.g. Calamares itself, and -extensions) for bits and pieces of their workflows.


GitHub action with a generic build sequence for Calamares repositories. Once the source is set up, cmake;make;make install is the general approach, so this action does that.

In passing, it sets one output:

  • git-summary: The one-line git summary (first line of commit message plus commit hash) that the build starts with.


GitHub action for notifications on Matrix. This action is a simplified and cut-down version of other notifiers; it requires curl and jq in the runner.

Parameters for the action (see also matrix-notify/action.yml):

  • room: Matrix Room ID; this is the internal ID, not the room name. Should be secret.
  • token: Matrix Token; this is obtained by logging in. Should be secret.
  • message: Message to send; generally multi-line. This is sent as a plain-text message, so no formatting, markdown-handling or anything else is done.

An example of use is the following snippet in a workflow step:

uses: calamares/actions/matrix-notify@49c1a968ca0fcb46e592743d1a5251326f1a9bc7
    token: ${{ secrets.MATRIX_TOKEN }}
    room: ${{ secrets.MATRIX_ROOM }}
    message: |
    OK ${{ github.workflow }} in ${{ github.repository }}
    .. is done now.

Note the use of ${{ secrets. }} to pass in secrets for the action.


The various prepare-* actions setup and configure the host for building Calamares; these actions should run before generic-build. Pick the one that matches the host container.


GitHub action for notifying on Matrix







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