Welcome to our AI Virtual Desktop Assistant! This desktop application is designed to assist users with a wide range of tasks using artificial intelligence and various libraries in Python. With over 30 features, this assistant aims to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.
- GUI using Custom Tkinter: The application utilizes a custom Tkinter interface for a user-friendly experience.
- Image Processing with OpenCV: Perform various image processing tasks using the OpenCV library.
- Speech Recognition with SpeechRecognition: Interact with the assistant using voice commands.
- Text-to-Speech with pyttsx3: Listen to responses from the assistant through text-to-speech conversion.
- Web Browsing with webbrowser: Open websites directly from the application.
- Date and Time Information: Get current date and time information.
- Wikipedia Search: Quickly search for information on Wikipedia.
- Music Playback with Pygame: Listen to your favorite music directly within the application.
- Screenshot Capture with PyAutoGUI: Capture screenshots with ease.
- Adjust Brightness with WMI: Dynamically adjust screen brightness.
- Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup: Extract information from websites.
- Weather Information: Get current weather information for any location.
- Reminder and Alarm: Set reminders and alarms.
- Text Messaging with pywhatkit: Send text messages using WhatsApp.
- System Information with WMI: Retrieve system information such as CPU usage, memory usage, etc.
- File Opening: Open files of various formats directly from the application.
- Google Search: Perform searches on Google directly from the application.
- Tkinter
- OpenCV
- Pillow
- SpeechRecognition
- pyttsx3
- webbrowser
- Wikipedia
- Pygame
- PyAutoGUI
- Requests
- BeautifulSoup
- pywhatkit
- and more...