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add ADSR note tracking
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Sebastian Böck committed Sep 9, 2019
1 parent 59a2044 commit 5f28f82
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Showing 7 changed files with 475 additions and 12 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions README.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -362,6 +362,10 @@ References
*Genre-Agnostic Key Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks*,
Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information
Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2018.
.. [19] Rainer Kelz, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer,
*Deep Polyphonic ADSR Piano Note Transcription*,
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/modules/features/notes_hmm.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

.. automodule:: madmom.features.notes_hmm
235 changes: 233 additions & 2 deletions madmom/features/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,22 @@
import numpy as np

from .onsets import OnsetPeakPickingProcessor, peak_picking
from ..processors import ParallelProcessor, SequentialProcessor
from ..processors import ParallelProcessor, Processor, SequentialProcessor
from ..utils import combine_events

# class for detecting notes with a RNN
class RNNPianoNoteProcessor(SequentialProcessor):
Processor to get a (piano) note activation function from a RNN.
Processor to get a (piano) note onset activation function from a RNN.
.. [1] Sebastian Böck and Markus Schedl,
"Polyphonic Piano Note Transcription with Recurrent Neural Networks"
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,3 +230,226 @@ def __init__(self, fps=100, pitch_offset=21, **kwargs):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
super(NotePeakPickingProcessor, self).__init__(
fps=fps, pitch_offset=pitch_offset, **kwargs)

def _cnn_pad(data):
"""Pad the data by repeating the first and last frame 5 times."""
pad_start = np.repeat(data[:1], 5, axis=0)
pad_stop = np.repeat(data[-1:], 5, axis=0)
return np.concatenate((pad_start, data, pad_stop))

class CNNPianoNoteProcessor(SequentialProcessor):
Processor to get piano note activations from a CNN in a multi-task fashion
which simultaneously detects onsets and intermediate note features.
.. [1] Rainer Kelz, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer,
"Deep Polyphonic ADSR Piano Note Transcription",
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
Create a CNNPianoNoteProcessor and pass a file through the processor
to obtain a note activation function (sampled with 50 frames per second).
>>> proc = CNNPianoNoteProcessor()
>>> proc # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<madmom.features.notes.CNNPianoNoteProcessor object at 0x...>
>>> act = proc('tests/data/audio/stereo_sample.wav')
The activations are returned as a 3-dimensional array, the first axis
representing time, the second the MIDI notes, and the third dimension
contains the (sounding) note and onset activations (first and second value,
>>> act.shape
(208, 88, 3)
Sounding notes,
>>> act[..., 0] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
array([[0. , 0. , ..., 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0. , ..., 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0. , ..., 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.00001, ..., 0. , 0.00001]], dtype=float32)
and onset activations.
>>> act[..., 1] # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
array([[0., 0., ..., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., ..., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., ..., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., ..., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
from import SignalProcessor, FramedSignalProcessor
from import ShortTimeFourierTransformProcessor
from import (FilteredSpectrogramProcessor,
from ..models import NOTES_CNN
from import NeuralNetworkEnsemble
# define pre-processing chain
sig = SignalProcessor(num_channels=1, sample_rate=44100)
frames = FramedSignalProcessor(frame_size=4096, fps=50)
stft = ShortTimeFourierTransformProcessor() # caching FFT window
filt = FilteredSpectrogramProcessor(num_bands=24, fmin=30, fmax=10000)
spec = LogarithmicSpectrogramProcessor(add=1e-6)
# pre-processes everything sequentially
pre_processor = SequentialProcessor(
(sig, frames, stft, filt, spec, _cnn_pad))
# process the pre-processed signal with a NN
nn = NeuralNetworkEnsemble.load(NOTES_CNN)
# instantiate a SequentialProcessor
super(CNNPianoNoteProcessor, self).__init__((pre_processor, nn))

class ADSRNoteTrackingProcessor(Processor):
Track the notes with an HMM based on a model of attack, decay, sustain,
release (ADSR) envelopes.
onset_prob : float, optional
Transition probability to enter an onset state.
note_prob : float, optional
Transition probability to enter a sounding note state.
offset_prob : float, optional
Transition probability to enter an offset state.
attack_length : float, optional
Minimum required attack (i.e. onset activation required) length.
decay_length : float, optional
Minimum required decay (i.e. note activation required) length.
release_length : float, optional
Minimum required release (i.e. note activation required) length.
complete : bool, optional
Require notes to transition all states (i.e. discard incomplete notes).
onset_threshold : float, optional
Require notes to have an onset activation greater or equal this
note_threshold : float, optional
Require notes to have a note activation greater equal this threshold.
fps : float, optional
Frames per second.
pitch_offset : int, optional
Pitch offset for the detected notes.
.. [1] Rainer Kelz, Sebastian Böck and Gerhard Widmer,
"Deep Polyphonic ADSR Piano Note Transcription",
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
Create a CNNPianoNoteProcessor and pass a file through the processor
to obtain a note activation function (sampled with 50 frames per second).
>>> proc = CNNPianoNoteProcessor()
>>> act = proc('tests/data/audio/stereo_sample.wav')
Track the notes by means on ADSR note tracking:
>>> adsr = ADSRNoteTrackingProcessor()
>>> adsr(act) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
array([[ 0.12, 72. , 2.36],
[ 1.54, 41. , 1.82],
[ 2.5 , 77. , 1. ],
[ 2.52, 65. , 0.84],
[ 2.58, 56. , 0.78],
[ 3.34, 75. , 0.82],
[ 3.42, 43. , 0.74]])

def __init__(self, onset_prob=0.8, note_prob=0.8, offset_prob=0.5,
attack_length=0.04, decay_length=0.04, release_length=0.02,
complete=True, onset_threshold=0.5, note_threshold=0.5,
fps=50, pitch_offset=21, **kwargs):
from .notes_hmm import (ADSRStateSpace, ADSRTransitionModel,
from import HiddenMarkovModel
# state space = ADSRStateSpace(attack_length=int(attack_length * fps),
decay_length=int(decay_length * fps),
release_length=int(release_length * fps))
# transition model = ADSRTransitionModel(, onset_prob=onset_prob,
# observation model = ADSRObservationModel(
# instantiate a HMM
self.hmm = HiddenMarkovModel(,, None)
# save variables
self.complete = complete
self.onset_threshold = onset_threshold
self.note_threshold = note_threshold
self.pitch_offset = pitch_offset
self.fps = fps

def process(self, activations, **kwargs):
Detect the notes in the given activation function.
activations : numpy array
Combined note and onset activation function.
notes : numpy array
Detected notes [seconds, pitches, duration].
notes = []
note_path = np.arange(,
# process each pitch individually
for pitch in range(activations.shape[1]):
# decode activations for this pitch with HMM
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
# ignore warnings when taking the log of 0
path, _ = self.hmm.viterbi(activations[:, pitch, :])
# extract HMM note segments
segments = np.logical_and(path >,
path <
# extract start and end positions (transition points)
idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(segments.astype([0]
# add end if needed
if len(idx) % 2 != 0:
idx = np.append(idx, [len(activations)])
# all sounding frames
frames = activations[:, pitch, 0]
# all frames with onset activations
onsets = activations[:, pitch, 1]
# iterate over all segments to decide which to keep
for onset, offset in idx.reshape((-1, 2)):
# extract note segment
segment = path[onset:offset]
# discard segment which do not contain the complete note path
if self.complete and np.setdiff1d(note_path, segment).any():
# discard segments without a real note
if frames[onset:offset].max() < self.note_threshold:
# discard segments without a real onset
if onsets[onset:offset].max() < self.onset_threshold:
# append segment as note
notes.append([onset / self.fps, pitch + self.pitch_offset,
(offset - onset) / self.fps])
# if no note notes are detected, return empty array
if len(notes) == 0:
return np.empty((0, 3))
# sort the notes, convert timing information and return them
return np.array(sorted(notes), ndmin=2)

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