🌟CV-08조🌟 MakeZenerator 팀 김태양, 김혜지, 신호준, 성주희, 임서현, 정소윤
┣ Data_EDA
┃ ┗ Train_data_EDA.ipynb
┃ ┗ upsampling.ipynb
┃ ┗ Val_data_EDA.ipynb
┣ mmdetection
┣ operating_configs
┃ ┗ base_config.py
┣ .github
┣ .gitignore
┣ .gitmessage.txt
┣ .pre-commit-config.yaml
┗ cuda_test.py
- Data_EDA : This folder contains the results of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and various data augmentation methods.
- mmdetection : This folder is set up for a competition using MMdetectionv3, where custom hooks are implemented to calculate mAP at various thresholds (e.g., class-wise, bbox, segmentation) in addition to the metrics provided by MMdetection. A DataVisualization Hook is also created to overlay GT and predicted bboxes for visualization and upload to wandb.
- operating_configs : This file contains an MMDetection configuration file that defines data paths, model, dataloaders, evaluation metrics, visualization, and custom hooks for recycling object detection.