Releases: carekit-apple/CareKit
3.0.1 Beta 2 Release
What's Changed
- Organize symbols in DocC catalogs by topic
- Fix compilation issues in Xcode 15
- Fix warnings in Xcode 15
- Fix compilation issues in
- Fix bugs related to streaming data from the Care Store
- Use an exact version of
CareKit 3.0.1 Beta
This update introduces stability improvements and bug fixes provided by community member @cbaker6. The update also introduces formatting improvements provided by @SunburstEnzo.
Thank you for your contributions!
CareKit 3.0.0 Beta
CareKit 3.0.0 Beta introduces new tools to integrate care data into your SwiftUI views, including tools that stream care data and that aggregate progress across care tasks. With the help of these tools, let CareKit handle persistence of user data while you focus on building out engaging visual experiences for your users.
We’d love to hear what you think of the new updates. Feel free to leave a general note or idea here, or open up a new issue if you have any specific questions.
Happy coding!
Stable Release 2.0.1
Merge pull request #425 from erik-apple/stable-candidate Stable candidate
CareKit 2.0.0
CareKit 2.0 Release Notes
CareKit 2.0 supports iOS and requires Xcode 11.0 or later. The minimum supported Base SDK is 13.0.
CareKit 2.0 includes the following new features and enhancements by Apple Inc. (
- New Architecture
CareKit 2.0 has been rewritten from the ground up entirely in Swift 5. The new architecture has been reconstructed to allow for maximum customization and modularity. Splitting the framework out into various layers now enables users to tailor-make their care apps to the desired look and feel for their users.
- CareKitUI
Now a whole new separate project inside the CareKit repository, CareKitUI can be compiled and imported as a stand-alone framework without any dependencies on CareKit or the CareKitStore. CareKitUI consists of prepackaged views that developers can easily embed anywhere within their apps and populate it with personalized content.
- CareKitStore
Just like CareKitUI, the CareKitStore too can be imported in as a stand-alone framework without any dependencies. Built as a wrapper on top of CoreData, the CareKitStore offers an on-device datastore that is exclusive to your app. It comes with a predefined schema that facilitates persistence of Care Plans and associated Tasks. Developers can choose to update and modify the schema depending on their individual use cases.
- CareKit
CareKit, the framework, imports CareKitUI and CareKitStore under the hood. CareKit is all about providing complete synchronization between the UI and the underlying database and this synchronization is powered by the all new Combine feature available in Swift 5. Another key highlight of CareKit is its modularity. This modularity gives developers the freedom to utilize the CareKitStore or plug-in their own custom store that conforms to the OCKStore protocol in order to leverage the synchronization functionality for free. Additionally, developers can now use custom views or inject custom views that conform to our protocols to get the synchronization functionality at no cost.
- Tasks
The two entities previously know as Assessments and Interventions have been collapsed into a single Task entity. Tasks can be displayed in cards using any of a number of styles. Task card styles exist for a number of common use cases, simple tasks that only need to be performed once, tasks that should be performed several times, and tasks that can be performed any number of times.
- Charts
CareKit offers views and view controllers that display charts. The views can be styled and filled with custom data, and support multiple data series. The view controllers fetch and display data in the view, and update the view when the data changes. CareKit currently supports line, scatter, and bar charts.
- Contacts
CareKit offers views and view controllers that display contacts. The views can be styled and filled with custom data. The view controllers fetch and display data in the view, and update the view when the data changes. CareKit currently supports a simple and detailed contact view.
- List View Controllers
CareKit provides higher order view controllers that easily fetch and display data in a store. The first is a view controller that displays tasks and completion for a given day in the week. The second is a list of contacts.
- Styling
All CareKit views can be easily styled for a custom user interface by injecting a list of style constants. Views inherit the style of their parent, making it easy to quickly style or brand an app.
- Updated Database Schema
The database schema has been updated to handle new care-centric data types. The store now models Patients, Care Plans, Contacts, Tasks, Schedules, Outcomes, Outcome Values, and Notes. The store has been reinvented as an append only versioned database, and now allows you to keep a fully versioned history of key records.
- Scheduling
Task scheduling has been greatly improved in CareKit 2.0. It is now possible to create arbitrarily complex and precise schedules.
- Sample App
The Sample App (OCKSample project in CareKit's workspace) serves as a template application that combines different modules from the CareKit framework. It's a great starting point for your own CareKit apps.
- Catalog App
The Catalog App (OCKCatalog project in CareKit's workspace) showcases the views and controllers available in CareKit. It's an excellent reference for the visual building blocks available in CareKit, and is useful for designers and engineers who want to know what building blocks are available to them.
CareKit 1.2.1
Releasing CK 1.2
1.2.0 Convergence
1.1.1: Merge pull request #125 from carekit-apple/podspec
Updating podspec