This project is a play ground for NGRX, Web Workers and Custom Angular CLI builds
There are 4 projects
- builders: Angular CLI custom builder def
- state: the NGRX reducers and shared library contains client and service Module
- webworker: the web worker service project the hosts the NGRX reducers
- default: the standard angular cli app to interact with the web worker
npm install
# or
npm run builders
# or
yarn builders
ng build state
ng build webworker
ng serve
The Web Worker can be hosted in a simple html page to debug any issues with build or dev with out complexty of full angular app
(note: does not reload on index.html changes only typescript files changed)
ng serve webworker
- Create Better Reducer
- Create a better UI with a form to create data for reducer
- maybe use rollup for WebWorker Build as it does not need webpack overhead/features
- investagate how to not have to build state package on each change
- try reduce dependancys on web worker to reduce bundle size (still requires zone.js but no components)