FragPELE 2.0.0
FragPELE 2.0
A new version of FragPELE is now available! We have done a lot of work to improve our ligand growing method and make it more suitable to be used in accordance with the real needs of the drug design market.
Major changes
- Force field parameters computation while growing. New parameters and equations applied.
- Growing onto heavy atoms: H not required anymore. More info #20
- Growing through BOND-LIKE selection. More info also in #20
- Fragments can be coupled through double and triple bonding. For more info #27
- More sampling options after growing: Explorative and personalized mode available. More info #18
- Backtracking of snapshots and connectivity: videos. Info: #31 #32
You will find all the information about how to use the new implementations in the documentation.
Minor changes
- Clash threshold now is a variable argument. More info in #10
- Distance of newly created bonds is corrected accordingly with its atom type. For more info: #21
- Some folders have changed their names: "equilibration" simulation now is the "sampling" simulation.
- The documentation includes more info, such as the analysis tools.
- An automatic analysis is performed after the simulation, generating different CSV files with all the information for each sampling simulation. Additionally, the FragPELE score for each fragment is computed in a summary TSV file.
Bugs solved
- Terminal amides now won't change from cis to trans and vice-versa. #11
- Sometimes the instruction to select a specific H could be ignored. Now, this won't happen. #17
If you feel a special interest in all the changes performed, I strongly recommend you to read the closed issues section.
Carles Perez