let KaiDev = {
studyingAt: "UnADM",
careerInProgress: "Engineering in Software Development",
currentDegree: "Digital Systems Technician",
autodidact: 1,
careerSkills: {
ProductOwner: ["Figma", "Agile", "Scrum", "User stories", "HTML", "CSS", "JS", "Architechtural Design"],
TechSupport: ["Networking", "PC", "OS", "Microcontrollers"]
courses: {
JetBrainsAcademy: "Frontend Developer",
Microsoft_LaunchX: ["HTML", "CSS", "JS", "Vue", "GitHub", "Java", "Docker"],
UnADM: ["UML", "BPMN", "Database Modeling" "MySQL", "Java", ".Net", "Software Architecture"],
Udemy: ["HTML", "CSS", "JS"]
learning: {
Domestika: ["Photoshop for web design", "SVG Animations with CSS"],
FreeCodeCamp: "Responsive Web Design",
JetBrainsAcademy: "React",
Udemy: ["React", "Spring"]
challenges :{
Hackathon: "Team leader at: Hack the Ocean",
JS30: "loading 10/30",
APIConsumption: "Pokedex"
hobbies: ["inline skates", "yoyo", "circuit making", "microcontrollers", "plants"],
music: ["Metal", "Rock", "Pop", "electronic"]