This is a movie discovery application which I created following the codecademy Front End Career Path
I enjoyed creating this as it pushed me to learn how to use Fetch() as well as requests work in JavaScript as well as HTTP additionally I also learned about promises and try and catch blocks... This project really made me feel like it was all coming together perfectly and I was really starting to understand everything.
- added Api Key
- added Api url
- added Get Request params for each section genres, movies, movie id, movie info
- Included Try and Catch blocks to catch any network errors
- Displayed final results
- Semantic HTML
- Responsive CSS
- Vanilla JavaScript
- API's
- Get Requests
- Promises
- Fetch()
- Async & Await
- HTTP Foundations
- Try and Catch Blocks
- How to work with API's
- Portfolio - Carlos Requena
- Github - Carlos Requena
- Twitter - @CarlosReq11
- Used concepts learned online aswell as codecademy