ROS package with several tools useful to evaluate a localization system and edit rosbag files.
Localization tools:
Rosbag tools:
- Extract csv data from rosbags
- Add TF transforms to rosbags
- Edit TF transforms in rosbags
- Remove TF transforms from rosbags
- Remove headers frame_ids leading slash from rosbags
- Add time offset to messages in rosbags and replace the record time with the header time
- Edit CameraInfo messages in rosbags
- Reset IMU rotation in rosbags
Tools to create plots in vector graphics formats (pdf, eps, svgz) using matplotlib:
- Plot graphs from csv files
- Plot 2D robot paths from pose files
- Plot 3D robot paths from pose files
- Plot robot velocity and acceleration graphs from pose files (with Savitzky-Golay filtering)
- Fit probability distributions (normal distribution, lognormal distribution, generalized extreme value distribution) to csv data
Tools to monitor and plot CPU and memory consumptions:
- Save process CPU and memory consumptions to file
- Plot graphs for CPU and memory consumptions of processes
Other tools: