Oasis-Server provides the web service for the Oasis simulation platform. It supports Oasis-Web frontend for UI and dispatches simulation tasks to Oasis-Engine.
ubuntu 18.04
python == 3.8
# download repo
git clone https://github.com/oasis-platform/oasis-server.git
# go to the folder where the pyproject.toml is
pip install -r requirements.txt
before this step please make sure mysql and REDIS server is installed. and create a mysql db named 'oasis', you should update below ENV to yours.
export REDIS_HOST=<your reids ip>
export REDIS_PORT=<your reids port>
export MYSQL_HOST=<your mysql ip>
export MYSQL_ROOT_PASS=<your mysql root password>
export MYSQL_PORT=<your mysql port>
aerich init-db
poetry run python main.py
open browser with OpenAPI link
you can use this interactive doc to execute the provided request api with examples.