Releases: casact/FASLR
Releases Β· casact/FASLR
FASLR v0.0.7
- Added a test suite
- Improved heatmap performance (#94 - thanks @odddkidout )
- Automated unit testing via GitHub Actions
- Automated documentation deployment via GitHub Actions
- Schema documentation page on the FASLR website
- Added development chatroom, on Gitter
FASLR v0.0.6
- Created exhibits for development method
- Created exhibit builder
Blog Post:
FASLR v0.0.5
- Added tail factor analysis pane
- Tail factor pane supports the following methods:
- Constant
- Curve
- Clark
- Bondy
Blog post:
FASLR v0.0.4
- Added a data pane class to display project data views
- Launched documentation website:
- Normalized database schema
- Removed circular relationships from schema
- Created script to generate sample database, used for training and development
FASLR v0.0.3
- Upgraded project from PyQt5 to PyQt6.
- Added data import wizard.
FASLR v0.0.2
- Developed analysis tab pane to hold triangle data and diagnostics:
- Each tab represents a line of business
- Within each tab are subtabs for each triangle column (paid claims, incurred claims, etc.)
- Ability to view by triangle column, the cumulative data, link ratios, and diagnostics, which can be toggled between using a combobox
- Added Mack diagnostic tests:
- Valuation correlation test across all periods
- Valuation correlation test for individual periods
- Development correlation test
FASLR v0.0.1
New features added:
- Ultimate Loss Column calculated via the chain ladder technique
- Rows for selected LDFs and CDFs
- The ability to select LDFs by double-clicking averages
- Dialog box for creating and storing custom LDF average types
- Link ratio heatmap
FASLR v0.0.0
Initial release and first upload to PyPi.