Welcome to the JSWarrior Game. Unlike traditional games, you can't control your character through a keyboard or joystick. The only way you can control your character is through JavaScript. To beat JSWarrior you can't just mash buttons, you need to think up a strategy and program the strategy as a JavaScript function.
Visit jswarrior.fusioncharts.com to start playing now!
This game was built in a hackathon for JSFoo 2013, a JavaScript conference in Bangalore, India. Since a lot of people are enjoying it, we decided to keep it up for anyone to play.
- Concept and level design from Ryan Bates' Ruby Warrior
- Web application concept from Bloc.io
- The free SpriteLib sprite library for the graphics
Several people asked us to make this open-source and easily hostable to use as an interview screening tool. We will be doing so shortly, along with instructions to run it on Google App Engine for free.
With love from the RazerFlow and the FusionCharts Team. :-)