159 commits
to development
since this release
- 3cc33ee: Merge tag '6.0.0' into development (straumat)
- af620b0: Update for next development version (straumat)
- a069265: Fixing CI #966 (straumat)
- 0b63d23: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 4.9.25 to 5.0.0 (dependabot[bot]) #996
- c7c06be: Bump bucket4j-core from 7.4.0 to 7.5.0 (dependabot[bot]) #984
- 6955483: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.6.6 to 2.7.0 (dependabot[bot]) #987
- c4353a3: Bump lombok from 1.18.22 to 1.18.24 (dependabot[bot]) #974
- 583f3c3: Bump liquibase-core from 4.9.1 to 4.11.0 (dependabot[bot]) #992
- f048567: Bump jackson-dataformat-xml from 2.12.6 to 2.12.7 (dependabot[bot]) #998
- a7831dd: Bump junit-pioneer from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (dependabot[bot]) #997
- 7d5e4ef: Bump checkstyle from 10.2 to 10.3 (dependabot[bot]) #999
- b6389e2: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1000
- c6d5113: Limit Order - Invalid Quantity - closes #994 (straumat) #1001
- f80238f: Change link on github frontpage #966 (straumat)
- e5528cc: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/development' into development (straumat)
- c938414: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.11 to 2.1.12 (dependabot[bot]) #1002
- fa61d6a: Bump mapstruct from 1.4.2.Final to 1.5.0.Final (dependabot[bot]) #1003
- de15c3c: Bump mapstruct from 1.5.0.Final to 1.5.1.Final (dependabot[bot]) #1004
- 92ab10b: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 (dependabot[bot]) #1005
- ea01cfc: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 (dependabot[bot]) #1006
- 7e5c1bf: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 (dependabot[bot]) #1007
- 148b377: Bump mapstruct from 1.5.1.Final to 1.5.2.Final (dependabot[bot]) #1008
- 7cc844e: Bump liquibase-core from 4.11.0 to 4.12.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1009
- cf08a2f: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1010
- 760d926: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.12 to 2.1.14 (dependabot[bot]) #1011
- 026a855: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1012
- 6027f40: Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 (dependabot[bot]) #1013
- 0cc64f3: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.14 to 2.1.15 (dependabot[bot]) #1014
- 7c872da: Bump checkstyle from 10.3 to 10.3.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1015
- 4085f98: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.0.4 to 5.0.5 (dependabot[bot]) #1016
- 1600b14: Bump graphql-dgs-codegen-core from 5.1.17 to 5.2.4 (dependabot[bot]) #1017
- f230ca3: Bump liquibase-core from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1019
- 8a75bb0: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.15 to 2.1.16 (dependabot[bot]) #1021
- 04faf23: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1022
- c2b98f4: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 (dependabot[bot]) #1023
- 703df09: Bump graphql-dgs-codegen-core from 5.2.4 to 5.2.5 (dependabot[bot]) #1024
- ff73a51: Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.3.4 to 4.4.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1026
- b0fc4f2: Support for tickers coming from WebSocket streaming XChange driver (Andrew Gawron) #980
- 5621367: fixed issue when metadata is not loaded on exchange connection establishment (Andrew Gawron) #980
- 5a45f78: Bump liquibase-core from 4.13.0 to 4.14.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1028
- 51970d4: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.1 to 10.3.2 (dependabot[bot]) #1030
- 66681c0: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.16 to 2.1.17 (dependabot[bot]) #1031
- 4eefb65: Bump maven-resources-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1029
- 0788000: Bump hsqldb from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1032
- 01e03d4: Bump liquibase-core from 4.14.0 to 4.15.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1033
- 3ce9455: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.17 to 2.1.18 (dependabot[bot]) #1034
- ddc7795: Bump bucket4j-core from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1025
- c8ab28b: Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1036
- f0a399d: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.0.5 to 5.1.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1037
- 6c1188a: Bump graphql-dgs-codegen-core from 5.2.5 to 5.2.6 (dependabot[bot]) #1039
- dca99d3: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1040
- 547fc21: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 (dependabot[bot]) #1041
- 477134a: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.18 to 2.1.19 (dependabot[bot]) #1042
- ed5decc: Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1044
- 1064158: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.2 to 10.3.3 (dependabot[bot]) #1045
- 278c7c2: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.19 to 2.1.21 (dependabot[bot]) #1046
- 99a14fa: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.1.1 to 5.2.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1048
- 356ea98: Bump graphql-dgs-codegen-core from 5.2.6 to 5.3.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1049
- a97a6e0: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.21 to 2.1.22 (dependabot[bot]) #1050
- 6ad416b: Bump opencsv from 5.6 to 5.7.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1053
- c791b55: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1054
- aadda86: Bump liquibase-core from 4.15.0 to 4.16.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1052
- 864d00c: Bump liquibase-core from 4.16.0 to 4.16.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1055
- d05ed72: Bump maven-jar-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1056
- 30de986: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.3 to 10.3.4 (dependabot[bot]) #1058
- 2a4976f: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 (dependabot[bot]) #1059
- c5b6454: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.22 to 2.1.25 (dependabot[bot]) #1060
- c1001d5: Bump graphql-dgs-codegen-core from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1064
- a04c11f: Bump graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies from 5.2.1 to 5.3.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1065
- ebea088: Bump mapstruct from 1.5.2.Final to 1.5.3.Final (dependabot[bot]) #1066
- 923ac3f: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.25 to 2.1.27 (dependabot[bot]) #1067
- f4ba3bb: Bump liquibase-core from 4.16.1 to 4.17.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1068
- f1177e3: Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1070
- a28e3ef: Bump gitflow-maven-plugin from 1.18.0 to 1.19.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1071
- 44f5087: Bump opencsv from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1072
- d5b8701: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.4 to 2.7.5 (dependabot[bot]) #1074
- 0fc4fc9: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1075
- 9df30e3: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.27 to 2.1.28 (dependabot[bot]) #1076
- a4ab9ae: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.4 to 10.4 (dependabot[bot]) #1078
- e28d84e: Bump liquibase-core from 4.17.0 to 4.17.2 (dependabot[bot]) #1082
- 1c80148: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.28 to 2.1.33 (dependabot[bot]) #1084
- aa38164: Trying to fix CI (straumat)
- a1a4e3b: Trying to fix CI (straumat)
- 68e0fe6: Bump graphql-dgs-codegen-core from 5.4.0 to 5.6.3 (dependabot[bot]) #1086
- e3f335e: Bump jackson-dataformat-xml from 2.12.7 to 2.14.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1087
- 31147a0: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.6.0 to 3.8.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1091
- 15a26bd: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.33 to 2.1.36 (dependabot[bot]) #1092
- 064b5e5: Bump @vuepress/plugin-back-to-top in /docs (dependabot[bot]) #1094
- 41a1d23: Bump vuepress from 2.0.0-beta.53 to 2.0.0-beta.58 in /docs (dependabot[bot]) #1096
- 31f14d6: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.8.0 to 3.9.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1104
- 2f67f69: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.36 to 2.1.37 (dependabot[bot]) #1105
- be44a09: Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1111
- 6797b94: Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.37 to 2.1.39 (dependabot[bot]) #1115
- 9922795: Bump pozetroninc/github-action-get-latest-release from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1122
- fd0c491: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.5 to 2.7.10 (dependabot[bot]) #1132
- bab0e98: Bump actions/setup-java from 3.9.0 to 3.11.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1134
- ea43fde: Bump checkstyle from 10.4 to 10.9.3 (dependabot[bot]) #1138
- f5a2b5c: Bump junit-pioneer from 1.7.1 to 2.0.1 (dependabot[bot]) #1140
- 0477cb2: Bump checkstyle from 10.9.3 to 10.11.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1150
- ed1c146: Update status on readme (straumat)
- 1402b47: Update open-pull-requests-limit (straumat)
- f7ff641: Bump spring-boot-starter-parent from 2.7.10 to 2.7.11 (dependabot[bot]) #1153
- cb91795: No more codeQL analysis as code is stable (straumat)
- 991df69: .vuepress should not be committed (straumat)
- 0d158fe: Update lib releases (straumat)
- 815b7a8: Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1157
- 41f3b29: Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1158
- 637ae0f: Bump jackson-dataformat-xml from 2.14.1 to 2.15.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1159
- 2736890: Bump maven-gpg-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1160
- 8838f66: Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 (dependabot[bot]) #1161
- 92bc101: Bump liquibase-core from 4.17.2 to 4.22.0 (dependabot[bot]) #1162
- 23166a2: Bump spring-boot-configuration-processor from 2.6.6 to 2.7.11 (dependabot[bot]) #1165
- 0585d54: Update versions for release (straumat)
- b290ce5: Merge branch 'release/6.0.1' (straumat)