This is the project for the WebUI for TrueNAS CORE & TrueNAS SCALE.
You can download and test running the latest version of the TrueNAS WebUI anytime using pre-built docker images.
Images only require the environment variable TNIP to be set to the IP or Hostname of your local TrueNAS instance.
$ docker container run -it -e TNIP= -p 8080:80 ixsystems/truenas-webui:latest
This would allow you to access the running WebUI on http://localhost:8080
NOTE: Pull requests are also generated as Docker images and can be used for testing by replacing the ":latest" tag with the pull-request ID. I.E. "ixsystems/truenas-webui:5010"
- yarn >= 1.22
- Node.js >= 18.19.1
- Running TrueNAS CORE or TrueNAS SCALE Nightly Machine (VM is fine)
Have a system with yarn.
Checkout TrueNAS git repository:
$ git clone
$ cd webui
Install yarn packages:
$ yarn install
Generate an environment file
$ yarn check-env
Configure the remote TrueNAS system you'd like to connect to. (if your ip address changes later you may repeat this step)
$ yarn ui remote -i <ip address or FQDN of the server where TrueNAS is running>
NOTE: It is highly recommended to create an alias in your shell of choice to 'ui' to minimize typing If this script gives a typescript error in the console, please see the section above on generating an environment file
zsh example: alias ui='yarn run --silent ui
To start run
yarn start
This runs a local webserver with the new WebUI, by default at http://localhost:4200. If this webserver is kept running, changes to the project will be rebuilt incrementally.
To run the production build, run
yarn run build:prod:aot
Getting errors about missing packages?
yarn install
Getting permission errors or Failed messages when trying to run yarn start
From the webui repo
rm -rf node_modules (may need root)
rm yarn.lock
yarn cache clean --force
yarn install
This should bring the yarn environment back to a usable state.
See the for more information on how to translate the UI.
Learn how you can contribute to our project and help us maintain it on our Contribution guide.
Stock images used on the dashboard UI are courtesy of and are subject to the Simplified Pixabay License. Full license details can be found at