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Remove fine act stage and add interpolation to coarse stage.
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Fine stage was sensitive to nav bit edges, took time and didn't add much in the way of performance.
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fnoble committed Sep 28, 2013
1 parent 028f7c5 commit 06a79ec
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Expand Up @@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ class Acquisition:
code_length : int, optional
The number of chips in the chipping code. Defaults to the GPS C/A code
value of 1023.
n_codes_fine : int, optional
The number of whole code lengths of sample data to use when performing a
fine carrier frequency search. This is proportional to the frequency
resolution available. See :func:`fine_carrier`.
wisdom_file : string or `None`, optional
The filename from which to load and save FFTW `Wisdom
Expand All @@ -80,8 +76,7 @@ def __init__(self,

self.sampling_freq = sampling_freq
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,27 +123,6 @@ def __init__(self,
self.corr_ifft2 = pyfftw.FFTW(self.corr_ft2, self.corr2,

# Setup fine carrier frequency search:

# Number of samples to use for fine carrier frequency search.
self.n_fine = n_codes_fine * self.samples_per_code
# Pre-calculate the window function used for the fine FFT.
self.fine_fft_window = np.hanning(self.n_fine)
# Use next highest power of 2 for fine FFT size.
self.n_fine_fft = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(self.n_fine)))

# Allocate an aligned array for the fine FFT input,
# this will contain the samples with the code wiped-off.
self.fine_wiped = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((self.n_fine_fft), 16,
# The fine FFT input is padded so make sure it is zeroed.
self.fine_wiped[:] = 0
# Allocate aligned array for the fine FFT result.
self.fine_wiped_ft = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((self.n_fine_fft), 16,
# Create an FFTW transforms which will execute the fine FFT.
self.fine_fft = pyfftw.FFTW(self.fine_wiped, self.fine_wiped_ft)

# Save FFTW wisdom for later
if wisdom_file is not None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,6 +155,76 @@ def init_samples(self, samples):
self.short_samples1_ft = np.fft.fft(self.short_samples1)
self.short_samples2_ft = np.fft.fft(self.short_samples2)

def interpolate(self, S_0, S_1, S_2, interpolation='gaussian'):
Use interpolation to refine an FFT frequency estimate.
.. image:: /_static/interpolation_diagram.png
:align: center
:alt: Interpolation diagram
For an FFT bin spacing of :math:`\delta f`, the input frequency is
estimated as:
.. math:: f_{in} \\approx \delta f (k + \Delta)
Where :math:`k` is the FFT bin with the maximum magnitude and
:math:`\Delta \in [-\\frac{1}{2}, \\frac{1}{2}]` is a correction found by
**Parabolic interpolation:**
.. math:: \Delta = \\frac{1}{2} \\frac{S[k+1] - S[k-1]}{2S[k] - S[k-1] - S[k+1]}
Where :math:`S[n]` is the magnitude of FFT bin :math:`n`.
**Gaussian interpolation:**
.. math:: \Delta = \\frac{1}{2} \\frac{\ln(S[k+1]) - \ln(S[k-1])}{2\ln(S[k]) - \ln(S[k-1]) - \ln(S[k+1])}
The Gaussian interpolation method gives better results, especially when
used with a Gaussian window function, at the expense of computational
complexity. See [1]_ for detailed comparison.
S_0 : float
:math:`S[k-1]`, i.e. the magnitude of FFT bin one before the maxima.
S_1 : float
:math:`S[k]` i.e. the magnitude of the maximum FFT.
S_2 : float
:math:`S[k+1]`, i.e. the magnitude of FFT bin one after the maxima.
out : float
The fractional number of FFT bins :math:`\Delta` that the interpolated
maximum is from the maximum point :math:`S[k]`.
.. [1] Gasior, M. et al., "Improving FFT frequency measurement resolution
by parabolic and Gaussian spectrum interpolation" AIP Conf.Proc. 732
(2004) 276-285 `CERN-AB-2004-023-BDI
if interpolation == 'parabolic':
# Parabolic interpolation.
return 0.5 * (S_2 - S_0) / (2*S_1 - S_0 - S_2)
elif interpolation == 'gaussian':
# Gaussian interpolation.
ln_S_0 = np.log(S_0)
ln_S_1 = np.log(S_1)
ln_S_2 = np.log(S_2)
return 0.5 * (ln_S_2 - ln_S_0) / (2*ln_S_1 - ln_S_0 - ln_S_2)
elif interpolation == 'none':
return 0
raise ValueError("Unknown interpolation mode '%s'", interpolation)

def acquire(self, code, freqs, progress_callback=None):
Perform an acquisition with a given code.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +302,7 @@ def acquire(self, code, freqs, progress_callback=None):

return results

def find_peak(self, freqs, results):
def find_peak(self, freqs, results, interpolation='gaussian'):
Find the peak within an set of acquisition results.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,109 +331,28 @@ def find_peak(self, freqs, results):
# Find the results index of the maximum.
freq_index, cp_samples = np.unravel_index(results.argmax(),
# Convert to natural units.
freq = freqs[freq_index]

if freq_index > 1 and freq_index < len(freqs)-1:
delta = self.interpolate(
if delta > 0:
freq = freqs[freq_index] + (freqs[freq_index+1] - freqs[freq_index]) * delta
freq = freqs[freq_index] - (freqs[freq_index-1] - freqs[freq_index]) * delta
freq = freqs[freq_index]

code_phase = float(cp_samples) / self.samples_per_chip

# Calculate SNR for the peak.
snr = np.max(results) / np.mean(results)

return (code_phase, freq, snr)

def fine_carrier(self, code, code_phase, interpolation='gaussian'):
Perform a fine carrier frequency search at a given code phase.
Without interpolation this yeilds a frequency estimate to within one FFT
bin. The interpolation methods and the frequency estimate improvement they
yeild are discussed in [1]_.
The FFT input is zero-padded up to the nearest power of two, so the FFT
frequency bin spacing is given by::
2 * sampling_freq / 2**ceil(log2(samples_per_code * n_codes_fine)
code : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
An array containing the code to use, one element per chip
with value +/- 1.
code_phase : float
The code phase in chips.
interpolation : {'gaussian', 'parabolic', 'none'}, optional
Takes the values 'gaussian', 'parabolic' or 'none'. When not 'none' the
carrier frequency estimate is refined by interpolating between FFT bins
with the specified type of fit.
out : float
The carrier frequency estimate in Hz.
.. [1] Gasior, M. et al., "Improving FFT frequency measurement resolution
by parabolic and Gaussian spectrum interpolation" AIP Conf.Proc. 732
(2004) 276-285 `CERN-AB-2004-023-BDI
# Upsample the code to our sampling frequency and number of samples.
code_indicies = np.arange(1.0, self.n_fine + 1.0) / self.samples_per_chip
code_indicies = np.remainder(np.asarray(code_indicies,,
long_code = code[code_indicies]

# Index into our samples to a point where the code phase is zero and grab
# n_fine samples, removing any DC offset.
code_phase_samples = code_phase * self.samples_per_chip
fine_samples = self.samples[code_phase_samples:][:self.n_fine].copy()
fine_samples -= np.mean(fine_samples)
# Perform a code 'wipe-off' by multiplying by a replica code
# (i.e. upsampled and at the same code phase)
# This leaves us with just the carrier.
self.fine_wiped[:self.n_fine] = fine_samples * long_code

# Apply window fuction to reduce spectral leakage.
self.fine_wiped[:self.n_fine] *= self.fine_fft_window

# Perform the FFT to find the carrier frequency.
# Find amplitude only looking at unique points in the FFT.
# TODO: Can probably just use a real FFT here!
unique_pts = int(np.ceil((self.n_fine_fft + 1) / 2))
carrier_fft = np.abs(self.fine_wiped_ft[:unique_pts])

# Find the location of the maximum in the FFT.
max_index = np.argmax(carrier_fft)

# Use interpolation to refine frequency estimate
# See: Improving FFT frequency measurement resolution by parabolic
# and Gaussian spectrum interpolation - Gasior, M. et al.
# AIP Conf.Proc. 732 (2004) 276-285 CERN-AB-2004-023-BDI

if interpolation == 'parabolic':
# Parabolic interpolation.
k_0 = carrier_fft[max_index - 1]
k_1 = carrier_fft[max_index]
k_2 = carrier_fft[max_index + 1]
max_index += 0.5 * (k_2 - k_0) / (2*k_1 - k_0 - k_2)
elif interpolation == 'gaussian':
# Gaussian interpolation.
ln_k_0 = np.log(carrier_fft[max_index - 1])
ln_k_1 = np.log(carrier_fft[max_index])
ln_k_2 = np.log(carrier_fft[max_index + 1])
max_index += 0.5 * (ln_k_2 - ln_k_0) / (2*ln_k_1 - ln_k_0 - ln_k_2)
elif interpolation == 'none':
raise ValueError("Unknown interpolation mode '%s'", interpolation)

carrier_freq = max_index * self.sampling_freq / self.n_fine_fft

return carrier_freq

def acquisition(self,
Expand All @@ -398,20 +361,18 @@ def acquisition(self,
Perform a two stage acquisition for a given list of PRNs.
Perform an acquisition for a given list of PRNs.
Perform a two stage acquisition for a given list of PRNs across a range of
Doppler frequencies.
Perform an acquisition for a given list of PRNs across a range of Doppler
This function returns :class:`AcquisitionResult` objects contatining the
location of the acquisition peak for PRNs that have an acquisition
Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) greater than `threshold`.
This function performs a two-stage acquisition. The first stage calls
`acquire` to find the precise code phase and a carrier frequency estimate
to within `doppler_step` Hz. The second stage calls `fine_carrier` to
refine the carrier frequency estimate with a fine resolution carrier
frequency search.
This calls `acquire` to find the precise code phase and a carrier frequency
estimate to within `doppler_step` Hz and then uses interpolation to refine
the carrier frequency estimate.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,11 +443,9 @@ def progress_callback(freq_num, num_freqs):
code_phase, carr_freq, snr = self.find_peak(freqs, coarse_results)

# If the result is above the threshold, then we have acquired the
# satellite, do a second stage fine carrier search and change the
# acquisition status.
# satellite.
status = '-'
if (snr > threshold):
carr_freq = self.fine_carrier(caCodes[prn], code_phase)
status = 'A'

# Save properties of the detected satellite signal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,8 +507,7 @@ class AcquisitionResult:
The acquisition status of the satellite:
* `'A'` : The satellite has been successfully acquired.
* `'-'` : The acquisition was not successful, the SNR was below the
acquisition threshold. A second stage fine carrier frequency
search was not performed.
acquisition threshold.

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