What's Changed
- feat: New version menu, with theme color settings support for the menu
- feat: Dashboard now features color block charts
- feat: Dashboard adds units packets/sec and dBm
- feat: Business group tree structure level is no longer limited, team list can also be rendered as a tree structure
- feat: Real-time query in log analysis now supports multiple tab queries
- feat: Alarm rule Host type machine identifier filtering adds =~ and !~ operators
- refactor: Dashboard non-fullscreen mode now allows theme mode switching
- refactor: Optimized the data source style of the event list in the expanded active alarm card, solving potential occlusion issues
- refactor: Real-time queries in Prometheus' Graph mode default to SI format
- refactor: Prometheus and Elasticsearch Proxy interfaces no longer intercept 401 and 403 status codes
- refactor: Alarm subscription rules table adds rule remarks and enabled column
- refactor: Renamed "hide" column to "enable" in notification settings table
- fix: Fixed an issue where switching display modes in the dashboard table chart could cause rendering crashes
- fix: Fixed overflow issue in the legend table content of Prometheus real-time query Graph mode
- fix: Import Grafana dashboard
- Adapt variable hidden configuration
- Adapt global variables
- Default value of time series graph curve transparency changed from 0.5 to 0
See Install Docs
See Upgrade Docs
- 将夜莺升级到 v6 正式版本
- 下载 n9e-plus-v6-linux-amd64.tar.gz 专业版安装包,解压安装包,将 n9e-plus 放到 n9e 二进制所在目录
- 停掉 n9e 进程,启动 n9e-plus 即可
pkill n9e && nohup ./n9e-plus &> n9e.log &
- 如果想从专业版切回开源版,直接停掉 n9e-plus 进程,启动 n9e 即可
pkill n9e-plus && nohup ./n9e &> n9e.log &
专业版详细介绍见 夜莺专业版
Full Changelog: v6.4.0...v6.5.0