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feat: Handle nested parentheses
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The regex will become very difficult to understand soon, so we also
replace the logic in general.

Fixes #134.
  • Loading branch information
cdown committed Feb 14, 2025
1 parent adeaf32 commit 00fada5
Showing 1 changed file with 131 additions and 48 deletions.
179 changes: 131 additions & 48 deletions src/track/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,3 @@
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::{Regex, RegexBuilder};

const AMP_SPLITS: &[&str] = &[" & ", " and "];

static FEAT_RE: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| {
RegexBuilder::new(r" [(\[]?(f(ea)?t[a-z]*\.?|f\.) (?P<feat_artists>[^)\]]+)[)\]]?")
.expect("BUG: Invalid regex")

static FEAT_ARTIST_SPLIT: Lazy<Regex> =
Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r#", (?:and |& )?"#).expect("BUG: Invalid regex"));

/// Represents a track's title after extracting featured artists.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TrackFeat {
Expand All @@ -21,49 +6,133 @@ pub struct TrackFeat {
pub original_title: String,

/// Holds the indices and inner content of a bracketed feature section.
struct BracketedFeat<'a> {
open_idx: usize,
close_idx: usize,
content: &'a str,

/// Extracts featured artist information from a track title.
pub fn extract_feat(title: &str) -> TrackFeat {
if let Some(caps) = FEAT_RE.captures(title) {
let trimmed = caps["feat_artists"].trim();
let mut feat_artists: Vec<String> = FEAT_ARTIST_SPLIT
let last_artist = feat_artists
.expect("BUG: captured, but no featured artists");

// If the last artist contains an "&", we'll split on it, even without a comma. This
// isn't perfect, but is mostly right.
for amp_split in AMP_SPLITS {
if last_artist.contains(amp_split) {
let mut tmp_last_split: Vec<String> = last_artist
.rsplitn(2, amp_split)
feat_artists.append(&mut tmp_last_split);
let feat_keywords = ["feat", "ft", "f.", "featuring"];

if let Some(bf) = find_bracketed_feat(title, &feat_keywords) {
let artist_part = remove_keyword_from_content(bf.content, &feat_keywords);
let featured_artists = split_artists(artist_part);
let base_title = format!(
"{} {}",
&title[bf.close_idx + 1..].trim_start()

return TrackFeat {
title: base_title,
original_title: title.to_string(),

if let Some(pos) = find_non_bracketed_feat(title, &feat_keywords) {
let inner = &title[pos..].trim();
let artist_part = remove_keyword_from_content(inner, &feat_keywords);
let featured_artists = split_artists(artist_part);
let base_title = title[..pos].trim_end().to_string();
return TrackFeat {
title: base_title,
original_title: title.to_string(),

// No feature found, return as is
TrackFeat {
title: title.to_string(),
featured_artists: Vec::new(),
original_title: title.to_string(),

/// Searches for a bracketed section (using '(' or '[') whose inner content, when trimmed
/// and lowercased, starts with one of the specified keywords. If found, returns a `BracketedFeat`
/// containing the opening index, closing index, and the inner content.
fn find_bracketed_feat<'a>(title: &'a str, keywords: &[&str]) -> Option<BracketedFeat<'a>> {
let mut chars = title.char_indices().peekable();
while let Some((i, ch)) = {
if ch == '(' || ch == '[' {
let closing = if ch == '(' { ')' } else { ']' };
let mut depth = 1;
let mut j = i;
for (k, ch2) in chars.by_ref() {
if ch2 == ch {
depth += 1;
} else if ch2 == closing {
depth -= 1;
if depth == 0 {
j = k;
if depth == 0 {
// Get the inner content (without the brackets).
let content = &title[i + ch.len_utf8()..j];
if keywords
.any(|&kw| content.trim().to_lowercase().starts_with(kw))
return Some(BracketedFeat {
open_idx: i,
close_idx: j,

let featless_title = FEAT_RE.replace_all(title, "").trim().to_owned();
TrackFeat {
title: featless_title,
featured_artists: feat_artists,
original_title: title.to_string(),
/// Searches for a non-bracketed occurrence of any feature keyword (case–insensitively)
/// in the title. Returns the earliest index if found.
fn find_non_bracketed_feat(title: &str, keywords: &[&str]) -> Option<usize> {
let lower = title.to_lowercase();
keywords.iter().filter_map(|&kw| lower.find(kw)).min()

/// Given some content (either from inside a bracket or not) that starts with a feature keyword,
/// remove that keyword (choosing the longest matching one) and any immediately following period.
fn remove_keyword_from_content<'a>(content: &'a str, keywords: &[&str]) -> &'a str {
let trimmed = content.trim();
let lower = trimmed.to_lowercase();
if let Some(&kw) = keywords
.filter(|&&k| lower.starts_with(k))
.max_by_key(|k| k.len())
let after = trimmed.get(kw.len()..).unwrap_or("").trim_start();
if let Some(rest) = after.strip_prefix('.') {
} else {
} else {
// There's no "feat" in here, just return the title whole
TrackFeat {
title: title.to_string(),
featured_artists: Vec::new(),
original_title: title.to_string(),

fn split_artists(artists_str: &str) -> Vec<String> {
.flat_map(|s| s.split(" and ").flat_map(|s| s.split(" & ")))
.map(|s| s.trim())
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())

mod tests {
use super::*;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,4 +210,18 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(extract_feat(&given), expected);

fn test_extract_feat_nested_parentheses() {
let given = "比較大的大提琴 [Featuring Lara Veronin (梁心頤) & Gary Yang (楊瑞代)]";
let expected = TrackFeat {
title: "比較大的大提琴".to_string(),
featured_artists: vec![
"Lara Veronin (梁心頤)".to_string(),
"Gary Yang (楊瑞代)".to_string(),
original_title: given.to_string(),
assert_eq!(extract_feat(given), expected);

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