TuttiScrapper for Tutti.ch free classified ads. Tutti.ch has no API to get your ads. This code go through HTML and output a CSV that can be imported later in OpenBazaar.
- Go to page "Alle Inserate von xxxx" where xxxx is your pseudo. E.g https://www.tutti.ch/inserent?id=0000000000000000000 Note the number 0000000000000000
- At the bottom of the page click "»" and note the last page number. E.g 44
- Check the conversion rate with https://www.google.ch/search?q=1+CHF+in+BTC E.g 0.00037 Bitcoin for 1 CHF
call the program with
java -jar TuttiScrapper-1.0.jar 44 0000000000000000 0.00037
CSV is outputted to console
- use google translate to support description in multiple language
- add support for tags based on tutti categories
- encoding issue in scraper