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Submit spam

Cédric Belin edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 5 revisions

This call is for submitting comments that weren't marked as spam but should have been.

Client.submitSpam(comment: Comment): Promise<void>

It is very important that the values you submit with this call match those of your comment check calls as closely as possible. In order to learn from its mistakes, Akismet needs to match your missed spam and false positive reports to the original comment check API calls made when the content was first posted. While it is normal for less information to be available for submit spam and submit ham calls (most comment systems and forums will not store all metadata), you should ensure that the values that you do send match those of the original content.

See the Akismet API documentation for more information.


comment: Comment

The user's Comment to be submitted, incorrectly classified as ham.


Ideally, it should be the same object as the one passed to the original comment check API call.

Return value

A Promise that resolves when the given Comment has been submitted.

The promise rejects with an Error when an issue occurs. The error message usually includes some debug information, provided by the X-akismet-debug-help HTTP header, about what exactly was invalid about the call.

It can also reject with a custom error code and message (respectively provided by the X-akismet-alert-code and X-akismet-alert-msg headers). See Response Error Codes for more information.


import console from "node:console";
import {Author, Blog, Client, Comment} from "@cedx/akismet";

try {
  const blog = new Blog({url: ""});
  const client = new Client("123YourAPIKey", blog);

  const comment = new Comment({
    content: "Spam!",
    author: new Author({
      ipAddress: "",
      userAgent: "Spam Bot/6.6.6"

  await client.submitSpam(comment);
  console.log("The comment was successfully submitted as spam.");
catch (error) {
  console.error(error instanceof Error ? error.message : error);
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