Install the package
$ pip install similarityPy
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b}, {x, y}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to , where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in u and v respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to (n10+n01)/Length[u], where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in u and v respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to , where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in u and v respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to , where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in u and v respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to (n10+n01+n00)/Length[u], where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in u and v respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to , where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in and respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{True,False,True}, {True,True,False}]
Explanation:[u,v] is equivalent to , where nij is the number of corresponding pairs of elements in and respectively equal to i and j.
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Explanation:[u,v] gives the number of elements whose values disagree in u and v.
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Explanation:[u,v] gives the number of one-element deletions, insertions, and substitutions required to transform u to v.
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Explanation:[u,v] gives the number of one-element deletions, insertions, substitutions, and transpositions required to transform u to v.
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Explanation:[u,v] finds an optimal global alignment between the elements of u and v, and returns the number of one-element matches.
Data: [{a, b, c}, {x, y, z}]
Explanation:[u,v] finds an optimal local alignment between the elements of u and v, and returns the number of one-element matches.
Run all tests:
$ python -m unittest discover -s tests -p '*'
Start test with nose and code coverage:
$ nosetests --with-cov --cov-report html --cov similarityPy tests/